Saturday, May 30, 2009

are we there yet?

 Order out of chaos

Tyranny to stop anarchy


Seeing  looking watching


My friend at work Frankie B took his family to Lake Quassi, a beautiful recreational area near here.

They all were making burgers on the grill and just having a good time, while "keeping an eye" on the kids enjoying the various water sports in the lake. Then there was an alarm, Frankie junior had disappeared. The life guards were alerted, the police was called in, an intense search of the lake began at the point where young Frankie was last seen. Slightly less than an hour later he was found...deeply absorbed in a game in the video arcade in another section of the Park.


In a seemingly unrelated story census workers reportedly showed up on the Mullings doorsteps recently. Pre-census activity involves the use of a simple blackberry-like device. The workers are instructed to get as close as possible to the entrance to the household and with a press of a button the GPS coordinates of the residence are recorded and entered eventually into the GDB (global database).


Another little known fact is that the 10 year census conducted in the US is now being synchronized with similar censuses WORLDWIDE....meanwhile for the first time in the US the cencus department has been removed from the department of commerce to the office of the president.


Anarchy is the word used to describe the situation that exists when the people are out of control...of the government..."everyman does what is right in his own eyes"....lawlessness.  Anachy is not just revolt. Revolt was when the people thought that the king was taking away the "freedom to worship" they took off to what was then called the "new world". Today the United States have come to another crossroads.


Last week in a California high school a young man was crowned homecoming queen for the first time. If the United States was built on christian biblical principles then these principles are now being challenged and in many places they are being totally abandonded. Some think that the only reason we have not seen flat out judgement of biblical proportions is because somehow america has managed to be a friend of Israel....what an outlandish and ridiculous notion some may say.....but we may soon get a chance to see first hand wether or not this is such a ridiculous idea.


The president of the US will be in Egypt in the next few days. He is said to be making a significant speech  directed to the worlds 2.7 billion (fact check needed) muslims. Meanwhile in Nigeria one innovative pastor has developed what has been called CHRISLAM....which has had the effect of  narrowing the rift between muslims and christians and possibly decreasing the persecution of christians.


The year when my parents were married marked the end of the Korean war. During that war the Chinese backed north Koreans were fighting the US backed south Koreans. Today our cousin / neice  Joanna lives in South Korea. This past week it seems as if the Korean war has re-started. Please keep Joanna and the others in your prayers. During world war two Germany and Japan found themselves as partners in a war that found them pitted against Great Britain and her allies or partners including the US. Today Japan is the second largest economic power in the world. The US helped to rebuild Japan after the war and promised to defend Japan. The North Koreans recently fired a test missile beyond Japan into the Pacific Ocean. While threatening to restart its nuclear program.  Meanwhile Pakistan with its Nuclear arsenel seems to be falling into ANARCHY.


The US President is committed to nuclear arms reduction on the road to world peace. The Pope at the same time is making amends with the muslim world as past British Prime Minister Tony Blair now a converted catholic seems set to be the first President of the European Union. Iran backed by Russia is forging ahead towards what seems to be certain nuclear armament. Israel in the meanwhile is digging in its heals under the determined leadership of the new prime minister. It seems as if the US is bankrupt. China could lend a helping hand...BTW does it seem to you that the chinese already pretty much own the US?


So the world pretty much seems out of control.  ARE WE THERE YET?.....maybe not, but how close?. Mankind seems determined to "go it alone". This would not be the fisrt time in history that ANARCHY is stopped by TYRANNY. So what is tyranny, basically it is the rule of law where one man or regime pretty much make and ENFORCE the law. Freedoms such as been enjoyed in what as been called the "free world" may soon no longer exist. .....CAN YOU IMAGINE?

Freedom of religion – gone

Freedom of assembly – gone

Freedom of speech – gone

Freedom to bear arms – gone

......just for a start...... other freedoms and so-called rights, now much abused, also soon to be on the 'chopping block'. For example freedom of movement and the so-called right to privacy not to mention the biblically mentioned "right" to 'buy and sell'.


Did you know that there is what seems to be a PSA (public service announcement) airing on CNN about a coming world are being told in the AD to look out for stars in the sky.....weird !!!


When I am seeing I may not be looking.

When I am looking then I am looking for something specific.

Once I have found it then I start watching it....I am no longer a passive 'onlooker'

I am engaged, alert, focused.


Frankie B and the others were not really watching Frankie junior, they were seeing the lake, looking on and off, not really watching, thay did not see when left the water....they were in panic, they thought he may have drowned.


When Jesus comes to reward His servants,
Whether it be noon or night,
Faithful to Him will He find us watching,
With our lamps all trimmed and bright?



O can we say we are ready, brother?
Ready for the soul's bright home?
Say, will He find you and me still watching,
Waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?


If, at the dawn of the early morning,
He shall call us one by one,
When to the Lord we restore our talents,
Will He answer thee—"Well done"?



Have we been true to the trust He left us?
Do we seek to do our best?
If in our hearts there is naught condemns us,
We shall have a glorious rest.



Blessèd are those whom the Lord finds watching,
In His glory they shall share;
If He shall come at the dawn or midnight,
Will He find us watching there?


Anonymous said...

Russia fears Korea conflict could go nuclear
Russia is taking security measures against the possibility that tensions over North Korea could escalate into nuclear war. North Korea has responded to international condemnation of its nuclear test and a threat of new U.N. sanctions by saying it is no longer bound by an armistice signed with South Korea at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War.

Anonymous said...

By Ross Colvin

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will meet Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah in Riyadh next week to seek his support over the nuclear standoff with Iran and reviving the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Obama will visit Riyadh on June 3 in a surprise addition to his scheduled three-day trip to Egypt, Germany and France, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said on Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

China warns Federal Reserve over 'printing money'
China has warned a top member of the US Federal Reserve that it is increasingly disturbed by the Fed's direct purchase of US Treasury bonds. By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Last Updated: 1:52PM BST 27 May 2009

Anonymous said...

By Tony Capaccio
May 29 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. ground-based interceptor rockets would “likely” knock out a long-range North Korean missile before it could reach the American mainland, the Pentagon’s independent testing official said today.