Monday, April 23, 2012


Friday, April 20, 2012


The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, Searching all the innermost
parts of his being. - Proverbs 20:27

"For The Eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to
show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." 2
Chronicles 16:9

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for
a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14

consider the following excerpts:

.... obsessed with watching, tracking, monitoring and recording
virtually everything that you do on the Internet. ... nothing you do
on the Internet will ever be private again.

The Internet is the greatest tool for mass communication that the
world has perhaps ever seen, and it gives average citizens the ability
to communicate with each other like never before, but ....Is
everything that we do on the Internet is being watched, monitored and
recorded ????

reasons why …. Potential Employers Are Demanding To See Your Internet Activity

The following comes from a recent CBS News report….

The bad news is that employers are increasingly asking job seekers for
their Facebook and other social-media passwords as part of the process
of vetting them.

While it's unclear how widespread that practice is, there's plenty of
anecdotal evidence to suggest that it is happening with increasing
frequency, as CBS MoneyWatch's Suzanne Lucas details. You can, of
course, refuse to give a job interviewer your passwords. But expect
your employment application to hit the round file, or the trash, if
you don't cooperate.

Do you remember the father that posted that "Facebook Parenting for
the troubled teen" video that went wildly viral all over the Internet
earlier this year?

That video was watched more than 31 million times, but it also
resulted in both the police and Child Protective Services officials
visiting his home.

So be careful what you post on YouTube.

governments all over the world could be monitoring your Internet
activity and you may never even know it. In fact, the level of
Internet surveillance in some countries is arguably even greater than
it is in the United States.

For example, a new bill that has been introduced in Canada would give
government authorities unprecedented power to monitor the Internet
activities of Canadians….
Dubbed "online spying" by critics, the bill is also expected to
require ISPs and phone companies to install equipment for real-time
surveillance ..The UK government is going even farther than that. ..We
suggest that the Government work with internet service providers in
the UK to develop a Code of Conduct committing them to removing
violent extremist material, French President Nicolas Sarkozy is taking
things even farther than that. He recently stated that anyone in
France that is caught regularly visiting websites "preaching hatred"
will be prosecuted.

The following is from a recent Raw Story article….

If you download potentially copyrighted software, videos or music,
your Internet service provider (ISP) has been watching, and they're
coming for you.

That's the date when the nation's largest ISPs will all voluntarily
implement a new anti-piracy plan that will engage network operators in
the largest digital spying scheme in history, and see some users'
bandwidth completely cut off until they sign an agreement saying they
will not download copyrighted materials. was brokered by the Recording Industry Association of America
(RIAA) and the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), and
coordinated by the Obama Administration.

So be careful what you download on the Internet.

The online world has now become a world where there is absolutely no privacy.

Some are responding to this new reality by running away from the Internet,

The Internet has broken the monopoly that the elite had on mass
communication. It has given average people the ability to communicate
with one another like never before. A YouTube video or a blog post
that you put up today could be seen by tens of millions of people.
Information is power, and the Internet has put a tremendous amount of
power into the hands of the general population.

Yes, there will be people watching every single thing you do on the
Internet. So it is important to be very careful.

But the Internet also gives us an opportunity to impact the world that
is unlike anything previous generations have ever had. Something that
you post on the Internet today could end up completely changing a life
on the other side of the globe tomorrow.

The Internet is an incredible tool for exposing evil and corruption,
and over the past decade we have seen many instances when average
people on the Internet have broken major news stories...

In the final analysis, the ability to wake people up and to literally
change the world outweighs the risks of being watched.

The Internet is an awesome tool. It can be used for great good or for
great evil.

If we sit on our hands, we will accomplish nothing.
But if we try, we might just end up changing the world.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

1 Cor. 10:13

We have gone through the big crisis, now be alert over the
least....Do not forecast where the temptation will come, it is the
least likely thing that is the not dominant, but remember
it is there, and if you are not warned, it will trip you up. You have
remained true to God under great and intense trials, now beware of the
undercurrent. Do not be morbidly introspective, looking forward with
dread, but keep alert; keep your memory bright before God. - CHAMBERS

Christian, seek not yet repose,
Hear thy gracious Savior say;
Thou art in the midst of foes:
Watch and pray.

Principalities and powers,
Mustering their unseen array,
Wait for thy unguarded hours:
Watch and pray.

Gird thy heavenly armor on,
Wear it ever night and day;
Ambushed lies the evil one:
Watch and pray.

Hear the victors who o'ercame,
Still they mark each warrior's way;
All with one sweet voice exclaim,
Watch and pray.

Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
Him thou lovest to obey;
Hide within thy heart His word:
Watch and pray.

Watch, as if on that alone
Hung the issue of the day;
Pray, that help may be sent down:
Watch and pray.

by Miss Charlotte Elliott (1789-1871)


Saturday, April 14, 2012

tricks traps & trust

Mary Whelchel had a burden to encourage .....

The true man wants two things; danger and play.
For that reason he wants a woman,
as the most dangerous plaything. 
~ Friedrich W. Nietzsche
For a marriage relationship to flourish, there must be intimacy. It takes an enormous amount of courage to say to your spouse,  "This is me. I'm not proud of it — in fact, I'm a little embarrassed by it — but this is who I am. ~  Hybels
'No issues touch us more profoundly or universally,' writes Richard Foster. 'No topics cause more controversy. No human realities have greater power to bless or curse. No three things have been more sought after or are more in need of a Christian response.'Money, Sex and Power discerns the biblical principles that enable us to live out a relevant and authentic response to the three - Richard Foster
The two most common issues argued about among married couples are money and sex. I would add that power is closely tied to both issues as they are often used as sources of power in the relationship. - Corey Allan
I had a discussion this morning about the history of violence.....
it is unmistakeable. The smashing of horns, the slashing
of teeth and claw, the blood and gore ... the cries of
fear, pain and anguish ... after a while, it all starts
to blend together. we humans take even the
violence inherent in life and dare I say ...
improve upon it. We add guns, machetes,
bombs, drones, Molotov cocktails and napalm.
We kill teenagers in the street, mothers in their
beds, and children ... everywhere we kill children.
I have just finished reading The Hunger Games,
where children are reaped to fight to the death to
atone for the "sins" of their ancestors.
"Money, sex and power are the three-legged
stool of modern culture. They are areas of human
experience littered with land mines, quicksand
and deep dark caverns of shame, fear and regret.
We have to be careful when we march into these
areas because we often unwittingly recreate
....the very problems we intended to resolve.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

(3916) Holy Thursday 2012

Wonderful, merciful Saviour
Precious Redeemer and Friend
Who would've thought that a Lamb could
Rescue the souls of men
Oh, You rescue the souls of men

Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost our way
Oh, we've hopelessly lost the way

You are the One that we praise
You are the One we adore
You give the healing and grace
Our hearts always hunger for
Oh, our hearts always hunger for

Almighty, infinite Father
Faithfully loving Your own
Here in our weakness You find us
Falling before Your throne
Oh, we're falling before Your throne
by Dawn Rodgers & Eric Wyse


Remember that "the need to 
recognize,  .
receive, and
on the Holy Spirit"
is before all else.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

If you cannot express yourself on any subject, struggle until you can. If you do not, someone will be the poorer all the days of his life. Struggle to re-express some truth of God to yourself, and God will use that expression to someone else. Go through the winepress of God where the grapes are crushed. You must struggle to get expression experimentally, then there will come a time when that expression will become the very wine of strengthening to someone else; but if you say lazily - "I am not going to struggle to express this thing for myself, I will borrow what I say," the expression will not only be of no use to you, but of no use to anyone. Try to state to yourself what you feel implicitly to be God's truth, and you give God a chance to pass it on to someone else through you.

Always make a practice of provoking your own mind to think out what it accepts easily. Our position is not ours until we make it ours by suffering. The author who benefits you most is not the one who tells you something you did not know before, but the one who gives expression to the truth that has been dumbly struggling in you for utterance. - Oswald Chambers
‎"Many Christians estimate difficulty in the light of their own resources, and thus they attempt very little and they always fail. All giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on His power and presence to be with them. Since the days of Pentecost, has the whole church ever put aside every other work and waited upon Him for ten days, that the Spirit's power might be manifested? We give too much attention to method and machinery and resources, and too little to the source of power." - Hudson Taylor

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

a gem

Sincerity means that the appearance
and the reality are exactly the same.

they are hid

If thou hadst known . . . in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. — Luke 19:42

God never opens doors that have been closed. He opens other doors, but He reminds us that there are doors which we have shut, doors which need never have been shut, imaginations which need never have been sullied. Never be afraid when God brings back the past. Let memory have its way. It is a minister of God with its rebuke and chastisement and sorrow. God will turn the "might have been" into a wonderful culture for the future. - CHAMBERS