Friday, October 10, 2008

BEWARE of false teachers

They are DISMANTLING THE SHIP OF STATE - we are going down !!

I guess that by now you have figured out that we will never get out of this ALIVE !! It is appointed unto man once to die.....

and after DEATH ???
The Judgement !!!

Only one life
It will soon be past
Only whats done for Christ
Will last !

TODAYS NEWS - MANSFIELD — The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio filed a lawsuit Tuesday in the U.S. District Court of Northern Ohio, claiming that Richland County Judge James DeWeese has continued posting documents in his courtroom which promote one religion over another. The ACLU won a case in 2002 against DeWeese for posting the Ten Commandments in his courtroom.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12

There is a strong temptation to get caught up in the game of Presidential politics in america. There is no doubt in my mind that america has for a long time occupied a place on the world stage of nations as a lighthouse for God in the world. The outcome of this years election, I beleive, will show the degree to which this nation's God is the Lord.
It is clear from today's news that there are forces at work in this great ship of state who are busy punching holes in the hull. The so-called economic turmoil that we are seeing will become worse.

ARE you ready to meet GOD?
Are you getting others ready?
Do not be distracted or deceived.
Keep busy doing the works of God.

I have a song I love to sing,
Since I have been redeemed,
Of my Redeemer, Savior King,
Since I have been redeemed.

Since I have been redeemed,
Since I have been redeemed,
I will glory in His Name,
Since I have been redeemed,
I will glory in the Savior's Name.

I have a Christ Who satisfies
Since I have been redeemed,
To do His will my highest prize,
Since I have been redeemed.

I have a witness bright and clear,
Since I have been redeemed,
Dispelling every doubt and fear,
Since I have been redeemed.

I have a home prepared for me,
Since I have been redeemed,
Where I shall dwell eternally,
Since I have been redeemed
I have a joy I can't express,
Since I have been redeemed,
All through His blood and righteousness,
Since I have been redeemed.


1 comment:

Grace said...

Definately signs of the times. Remember the LP record that Bro Grey would have us listen to ...."Flight Final"? Can't remember all the details, but I think just the name is an appropriate WARNING that we should be in "the gate" looking up, but also wise enough to be "with oil" like the wise virgins. The worst of times are the best of times.... for the child of God! It's harvest time.