Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Heroes of the Faith - part 1

*** OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH THE McCook Family as they mourn the passing of dear Elder McCook ****

This is my Pastor from Jamaica. May God continue to Bless His Ministry. One thing I remember about pastor Vidal is when he formed asinging group called "The Beacon Brothers". We used to sing and have fellowship a lot in my teen years. One of the songs I remember is :
Across the bridge there'll be no sorrow
The sun will shine...and we'll never be unhappy anymore.
other members of the group were, Basil Glen Roninson, Carl Guthrie, James Lindo maybe Impy I can't remember. God Bless you Pastor, you are a great example of faithfulness.

This is the person who taught me almost everything I know. Here you see him doing something that he does best; reasoning. He mostly liked to reason about righteousness. This is Uncle Sonny otherwise known as Sonny Man but best known to us his eight children as 'DADDY'. Maybe Cousin Gee can tell how the name Sonny came about. Daddy is also a great example of faithfulness.

Here is another living hero or 'shero' as the case may be. This is Siter Dulcie. She was one of the people who helped inspire me to continue to play around the keyboard. I hear that she is on the radio sometimes in Jamaica. She was a school teacher as well as a musician. She has been an great example of a one who has endured many dangers toils and snears and kept faithful in uncompromising leadership. As the name suggests there is a 'sweetness' about this great christian soldier.

Can you tell by this Radiant Smile....this is without doubt a Child of the KING !! This is Sister Betty. Also from my church. A shining example of a Godly women. Sometimes nowadays I dispair that those older women which the bible talk about who ought to teach the younger women.... they seem to be fast dissappearing ...but not Sister Betty, she seems to be going nowhere soon. God Bless Her.

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