Saturday, February 7, 2009

news this week

WILL JAMAICA HAVE A PRESIDENT SOON ? Click here for more ...Excellent Governors-General have served Jamaica, and it is a tribute to the judgement of our prime ministers that they have made such fine selections. But the price for that method of selection is that the Head of State has had nothing but a symbolic role,..... The naming of Seventh-day Adventist pastor, Dr Patrick Allen as the replacement governor general for Sir Kenneth Hall has received mixed reactions from readers....
"I think the appointment of Dr Patrick Allen will be the best thing ever to happen to Jamaica. This is going to be a turning point in our nation at last. Dr Allen, a Seventh-day Adventist, is what our country needs at this time. I think he will do a good job and not be partial in his duties. My only hope is that one day the prime minister of Jamaica will be a Seventh-day Adventist. The rest of the world needs to take a leaf out of Jamaica's book now. " CLICK HERE for more opinions

SPANISH TOWN, St Catherine:
The King and Queen of Spain will visit Jamaica this month to witness the official opening of the newly refurbished Ward One at the Spanish Town Hospital, which was made possible with funding from the Government of Spain at a cost of €325,000.
The pending visit was disclosed Thursday during a courtesy call by Jesús Silva, Spain's ambassador to Jamaica, on Rudyard Spencer, minister of health and environment.
In the meeting, Spencer expressed gratitude for the interest the Government of Spain has shown in the local health sector through its renovation of Ward One.

Regarding the whole Phelps "smoking up" issue I was recently asked a question by a friend of mine, he asked “Should he be punished?” CLICK HERE

Some opinions: Is Phelps being punished too hard?
I say yes, they are dragging this kid through the mud over an event that has nothing to do with his swimming ability! America get a grip.

No, he isn't being punished too harshly. There are consequences to pay when one is caught red-handed.Young people of today believe in moral relativity.....if it feels good, do it. There is no respect for rules or the law these days. There also doesn't seem to be any kind of conscience in wrong doing. Phelps only regrets he was caught, not that he was actually smoking contraband.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker CLICK HERE for more answers
He is young and the young do some foolish things. I know I did. I am just surprised that someone so fit and healthy would mess with pot. I don't think weed is that big a deal but the sponsors don't agree with me. They have the right to release him. I do think it is harsh but life is like that sometimes.
"Every week the guy takes a little time away to give back to the community. Just last week he was at a local school, teaching profanity to poor children," according to Obama. Excerpts of Obama's remarks were released by the White House.

Click here for more
Does anyone understand that the words 'profanity' and 'obscenity' do not mean the same thing? can we joke about teaching profanity to children. Profanity is not a joking matter.....

What the @*&#...?A Christian Critique of Swearing - Click here

Tony Campolo would often begin a speech by saying:
"I have three things I'd like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don't give a sh*t. What's worse is that you're more upset with the fact that I said sh*t than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night."....."I believe the answer is quite clear that cussing, swearing, using vulgar speech does NOT please God in any way. It's the way of the world, it's the language of the former man, the spiritually dead man." Later in the post he adds, "The only 'proper context' for using such language, is from the lips of a man at enmity with God, walking according to the lusts of the flesh, according to the ways of this world, defending his pride. It has no place coming from the mouth of a man or woman, professing to love Christ."

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