Sunday, March 22, 2009


it turns out that I am an even greater hypocrite than you originally thought.

without the sordid details suffice it to say that it was good that I could 'see' myself.
so anyhow, clinging to my (religion) faith was the only way out of a very embarassing jam.

A. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

B. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

I am not saying that I am that righteous man, In my opinion I am still struggling through point A. ....but you bet your sweet life that I am heading to point fact God sees me through.

we had this huge drop down drag out shouting match, complete with all kinds of name-calling, charges, counter-charges etc. the type of stuff you see in the comic strips as @!$%^$##(*@ !!~>/*&* !!...strange enough I was listening or maybe....I think spirit just allowed me to hear one remark that settled the whole thing for me...I was glad there were no kids around....this would have been a real bad example....but as fights go I have got to say this one was not as bad as some in the past. For instance, there was no hitting....that is HUGE !!!!...I seriously doubt that there was any sinful anger (Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:..Ephesians 4:26)

so back to what I heard in the thick of the battle, threats were made about getting rid of things etc but the phrase "we will be together" stuck out like a HUGE FLASHING NEON LIGHT, like the jumbotron in New York on election night!!!

I sped off to work, shaken, late, but amazed at the kind of stuff that God can pull off.
Is the problem solved, nope....not quite yet...but faithful is He who called me, He also will Do IT !!!

Then at work two females that work by my cubicle were discussing weight-loss. Why did I dip in....I guess because I am a bigger fool than I usually anyhow I up and quoted Leviticus about not eating fat or blood products....they both descended on me as if on cue saying don't even mention the bible....because the bible contradicts itself !!

I was caught off guard....

I told them they could not truthfully say that because they had not studied the bible.

SO WHAT ABOUT ME...and you???

As for me what I have found is that most of the time the bible CONTRADICTS.....

ME.....that is when I confess my sins and accept HIS righteouness.


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