Easter is a reminder that death is powerless to the beleiver in the ressurection of Jesus. And yet many today don't care about the bible or Jesus. A recent newsweek article suggests that americans seem no longer interested in this particular religion...but has interest in religion gone away? THE DECLINE & FALL of CHRISTIAN AMERICA - Newsweek The ACLJ is undergoing a campaign that suggests that while traditional christians have "departed from the faith" muslims are gaining converts in droves. Muslims seem to be the new champions of the traditional moral causes that used to be the domain of the christian faithful. In the absence of the christian voices; clerics, imams and mulahs are taking the unpopular stand against homosexuality in particular and the hypersexed american culture in general. Jesus at the judgement, charges the condemned ones with not visiting him when he was in prison. Chuck Colson and the prison fellowship have a successful mission from this vision. The muslims are in the prisons, it seems to be their prime recruiting ground. I came across a troubling statistic. America although a country championing the rule of law, America has the largest prison population in the world....the common beleif is that you cannot legilate morality...not so in Islam. A news item caught my attention. Someone inside the Obama administration has implemented a program to introduce "sharia economics" into the banking system. Before I make the main point, another observation - Mental health is becoming a matter of concern as the economy continues to slide. Have you noticed the increase in senseless killings by people who have lost their jobs? These people had guns. I do beleive that what the "professionals" now refer to as the domain of mental health used to be taken care of mostly by pastors and church people. Teaching, preaching and healing is how the bible describes what has come to be the modern healthcare industry. A breif look at the history of education in america will quickly show that ALL the major universities were started as "church schools". One insightful politician recently suggested that there is a choice that needs to be made when spending public funds. He said that if we were spending more on educating our population about our laws we would not need to spend so much on prisons. The ultimate edge is Tony Robins most recent million-dollar-seller. Tony is very convincing, he observes that most leaders make seemingly irrational choices that move them to the top of their feild. If Tony is right the christian will regain the the feild only by his/her faith. While going over the easter story I came across this: "their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they beleived them not." this is a direct quote from Luke (24:11) Biblical Chritianity is ALWAYS CONFRONTATIONAL. Something you believe will make you unpopular. Take a stand anyhow! Tell the truths of the bible. Tell them alot, Tell them often, Tell them when you are made fun of. Tell them when you are slighted Tell them even if you are ignored Tell them to your boss Tell them to your family Just tell them, keep telling them. You will pay a high price... but there is a higher price for silence! HE IS RISEN INDEED AMEN.
Dealing with Deconstruction
Dealing with Deconstruction Tobi England Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:56
What to do when someone is losing their faith
[image: cracking brick wall]
Many Christian...
1 week ago
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