Wednesday, May 20, 2009

rambling ....definately

my brother goes to a funeral today....she was 35 years old

my other brother I am praying so much for him

he is in the civil service like my sister used to be

he is now a supervisor…please help pray that God will

protect him and save him from sins.

I am proud of all my family and especially my twin brothers David and Dale

it seems that my / our influence is weak.


I was thinking about banishment, exile like John on an island, outlawed

What is sin?

Simply – disobeying God


My uncle Lincoln lives in Texas and I was wondering

about those mind always seems to go back to family stuff

I don't really know the birth order of my father's siblings.

but what sent my mind there was the fact that my uncle Lincoln

is the one now alive with his family.


the illusion of self sufficiencymommy made us memorize these

we are HIS people

it is HE that hath made us and not we ourselves

it is not in amd that walketh to guide his own steps

as for man his days are as grass

as the flower of the field so he flourisheth

for the wind passeth over it and it is gone

and the place thereof shall know it more




last night I came off the same off-ramp at about 1115

the ramp is a narrow downward incline and curves sharply

I pay special attention to this particular off-ramp....

it is treacherous

just like the one my brother had his accident on....

both have the same temptation for me....speed....

anyhow...I had cleared the curve and completed the incline

when I saw bright lights...approaching.....HEAD-ON


on monday morning when I arrived at work

as I pulled into the parking lot I saw my workmates

car with two flat tires and bent rims on the same side...

ran into and over a cinder block on the highway at about 430am

on the way to work.


the president was determined to deal with the middle east

peace process in the first year of his term.

this past monday he met with the leader of Israel

as I listened to our president on sunday at the catholic commencment

I was once again struck by the fact that he is a man of peace

he spoke about finding common was masterful....

so much like our beloved Michael Manley with the "politics of change"

as the news of the apparent non agreement from the israel meeting

came out....I breathed a sigh of releif....I love the president

I think he is not just commander but preacher-in-cheif.

whatever they say I will always respect the office of the pastor

I  truly like pastor jeremiah wright, the president is his disciple

Let us not forget to pray for him daily

1 comment:

  1. You are a clairvoyant as you ramble about your Uncle Lincoln. He is a strong and proud patient of the disease called Alzimer. Last Monday, after a brief hospital stay, we made the very difficult decision to place dad in a nursing home. He is not aware of anything or anyone in particular but he speaks proudly and socializes and continues to eat well. It has been a rough time for mom as she deals with the reality of this decision. Continue to pray for us and I will be sending some pictures as soon as I get a hold of one of these little cyber tycoons.
    The nursing home is very close by so we visit every day and we have 2 nurses in the family who keep the staff in check.
    I too was trying to figure out where dad fell in the line of brothers. I believe it was Uncle Albert, then Lincoln and Uncle Beto.
    Please pass thin on to the rest of the family.
    One Love,
