Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sister McHayle, Jacko and Harry

Sister Mac spoke a lot about the ENEMY OF SOULS.

We are told to resist the devil and he will flee from us and in the same place we are told to draw near to God anHe will draw near to us....but modern intelligent people think such drivle is a whole lot of nonsense.

The devil's great purpose, and for which he fights, is to keep the world in ignorance of himself, his ways, and his colleagues, and the Church is taking sides with him when siding with ignorance about him. Every man should keep an attitude of openness to all truth, and shun the false knowledge which has slain its tens of thousands, and kept the nations in the deception of the devil. ....from War in the the picture to read the book

Earlier this week the world watched as we put away our friend "Jacko" with pomp and circumstance. I was very sad. I liked Jacko a lot and I wondered to myself how many times had he thought about God? Did someone keep telling him about the afterlife? had he brushed it aside? Certainly the circumstances of his passing reminds me a lot of the man who said to himself "I will tear down my barns anbuild greater ones". May we be reminded in this time of greif that our lives are not our own to do whatever we want.

May our attitudes be as Jesus who said "I MUST WORK THE WORKS OF HIM WHO SENT ME WHILE IT IS DAY"


SULLY THE HERO click here for more


I can hear her now as if it was Yesterday. Sister McHayle was one of the heroes of our family. She was Sunday School Superintendent for a while but she was different. In the eyes of some she may have been a nobody. So why was she a hero? Sister Mac was always living it...certainly she talked a lot Jacko she had the spotlight. She had the opportunity everytime that she was "onstage" she spared nothing... just like Jacko she gave it everythig she had...this may seem like an odd comparison but I know many who read this and knew her will understand. The true heroes...people who make a big difference in our lives are DRIVEN by a higher power of which there are only God and the devil and they are not equal or even close by any stretch of the imagination. I invite you to think about the people who influence you and the people you are influencing....wether we like it or not we are all interconnected....that is FAMILY.

Let you light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven. - JESUS



The City of New Orleans has accepted Harold Clarke with open arms by making him an honorary citizen, one of New Orleans Magazine 50 most people to watch, recipient of the Mayoral certificate of appreciation for contribution to the city, and a recipient of a special congressional award for outstanding contributions to the arts. Harold Clarke was also the designer of choice for the grandest wedding in New Orleans’ history, the wedding of Mayor Marc Morial to news reporter Michelle Miller, whose gown is now on display at the Louisiana State Museum. His collections have also been showcased in events at the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Contemporary Arts Center and at Atlanta’s Woodruff Arts Center, Super Bowl XXXVI pre game show, featuring a gown in patriotic red custom designed for Ms. Pattie LaBelle, Ted Turner’s 2002 & 2003 Trumpet Awards shows. His most recent projects include; red carpet débuts at the Oscar’s & Golden Globe Awards, Historic New Orleans Opera gown designed by Clarke the 2nd gown to be added to the Louisiana State Museum’s permanent collection, client Michelle Morial in a Harold Clarke gown who received double exposure by appearing on the cover of New York Times Style section and in Town & Country magazine, Harold Clarke is also featured in The Fashion of Celebration a Video Fashion news feature to be aired on E! Entertainment & Style Networks in the United States & 40 other countries around the world, and now, its official. Harold Clarke has been titled the Official Designer of the upcoming 2004 (6th) Le Prix International Film Star Awards!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Ron,

Only God knows.

JCTV says that three weeks before Michael died,

singer Aundre' Crouch went to see him and told

him about God's salvation plan. He prayed with

him and gave his heart to Jesus.

Love Ruth.