Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tribute to Riker1/7/09

Yes, this one was different. In 2001 when my first grandchild was born he wondered into our yard. My nephew taught he was a good dog and named him Riker. Of course the responsibility of doing the fatherly thing was left to me buying feed, making sure that he was taken care of, and when the garage was messed up I had to clean it. I enquired about the whereabouts of the owner and I did not get an answer so for the past 8 years we kept this dog. I cannot explain that although I am not a dog lover, I am not the same I saw him like a child. When we drive into our yard he would always show us how much he loved us and when we talk to him it was as if he was a child and he understood every word we said to him. For me, sometimes I might be angry with someone and he was my “sounding board” I felt he understood what I was saying to him. My grandchildren especially my namesake was so fond of him that when she came over every other week, he would be the first that she should want to talk with. She called him Riker, Riker in a shrill voice.I never understood the connection that one would have with an animal until Riker walked into my yard. I spent a lot buying him food; for the most part we all spent a lot. I remember asking my wife about him so many times since I work in a different country. Sometimes I would say to her did you feed him three times for the day? She would say,” he got his meals”. I had this special connection to him. Do you understand? I guess you might have to allow your mind to wander somewhat, think of someone who has a spouse or close relative or friend who died. The pain does take some time to diminish. Well, this our Beloved Riker will take some time, of course, we will always remember him. I guess most of you will not understand what we are going through as a family. This was the dog that watched over my yard, he would not bite you but he made a loud noise and when strangers come they would be “warded” off. I think we all felt protected. He was like a gentle giant though. I think we will always remember Riker for being a protector, a part of the family, a friend would listen to the family members who went out to talk with him, most of all we will not forget him because he expired five days after the “King of Pop” died. Have you ever wondered where you were when someone very famous died? I couldn’t’ remember where I was when President Kennedy died, but I do remember where I was when Michael Jackson died, I was in the Cayman Brac airport travelling from Cayman Brac to Grand Cayman. So what is the connection? I will always remember Riker and when he died because he died 5 days after the most influential musician died.

by Island Correspondent - DOC


  1. What a faithful dog. RIP RIKER.

    Thank you for posting this Uncle Ron.

  2. Indeed, this angel came to us and allowed us to love him in return for his faithful, loving friendship. He was beloved by us, and ALWAYS showed us how much he cared! He will continue to be alive in our hearts. He was a valiant dog, especially in his later years as he struggled with his debilitating ailments. What a friend! We'll always remember RIKER!! No pet can take his place in our family.
