Monday, September 14, 2009


Metastasis is the movement or spreading of cancer cells from one organ or tissue to another. Cancer cells usually spread through the bloodstream or the lymph system.

Proverbs 15:1: A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 12:18: Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 16:24: Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

Anger, Angry, Resentment ...broken relationships...broken families - CLICK IT
I hate Robby....!!!!
I mean I don't like him...
she grabbed the sheet of paper from his hand!!
Robby was a young black man with two white daughters.
I don't know much more about him than that.....except...
it was on the grapevine that
he was soon going to be married to a pretty white lady....
who had been divorced and had some children of her own.
the children talk amonst themselves.....they share pains and hurt..
so this child who grabbed the paper from Robby was a friend of
one of the white ladies daughters who was hurting from the divorce.
earlier that same day another child
angrily told his mother in the presence of other adults
"I don't was later learned this was a flat out lie.
this child loved his mother..and cared much for her...but
his mom he thought had allowed him to be (divorced)
separated from his younger sister....
the children talk amonst themselves.....they share pains and hurt..
so this child took the oppurtunity to vent the anger....
and later in an unrelated story....the same child
would have to serve a saturday detention at school
for AGAIN mouthing off at a female teacher who had
"no right" to punish this child for mis-behavoiur
Uncle Paulie thinks that his disease was not going to be
cured by the doctor. He said that he was not sick.
He said the pain he was feeling was God trying to keep
him humble....this kind of attitude is not very helpful
for the healthcare industry...not to mention the Pharmaceutical

A Prayer for Release from Resentment

I found a copy of this prayer today. It was in a church bulletin from forever ago - at least 10 years.

A Prayer for Release from Resentment
by Peter Marshall

Lord Jesus, You know me completely. You know that I have steadily refused to forgive this one who has wronged me, yet have had the audacity often to seek Your forgiveness for my own wrongdoing.

The acids of bitterness and a vengeful spirit have threatened to eat away my peace. Yet I have stubbornly rationalized every unlovely motive. I have said, "I am clearly in the right. It is only human to dislike a few people. This one deserves no forgiveness." How well I know that neither have I ever deserved the forgiveness which You have always freely granted me.

So, Lord Jesus, I ask You now for the grace to forgive this hurt. Even now, I am divided about it, only partially willing to release it. But You can manage even my reluctance, my loitering feet. Take now my divided will and make it one piece, wholly Your will.

And Lord, I give to You this emotion of resentment which clings as if glued to my heart. Take it from me. Cleanse every petty thought. Make me sweet again.

I dare to ask that You will not forgive me to the extent that I have forgiven _____, but that You will bless _____ to the degree that You have blessed me. For these great mercies I thank You, in Your name, who gave me the supreme example in forgiving even those who crucified You. Amen.

My list of "unforgivens" is long...

My brother, a few former co-workers, a handful of church-folk, an ex-boyfriend (even now, I had to consciously resistant the urge to write "asshole ex-boyfriend").... and, to a great degree... myself.

May God have mercy on us all.
from Jesus outside the box click here
PS. both stories number one and two happened in church on sunday

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