Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Can I have Both?

The problem with faith is...
if I have an explanation
then I don't really need faith.
If I can explain it, then I don't need God.

WOW !!!

this is a slippery slope
I dont' really want to go there!!!

should I rather have Jesus? (sic)

trafficking in reason
is very empowering....
and knowledge puffeth up

on the other hand
biblical obedience and faith
can be quite humiliating....
or rather,

so, he is putting down my sister
i'll show him
I'll humiliate him !!!

love the ones who
are dispitefully using you and persecuting you...
this is so....
not reasonable !!

revenge is sweeter
i'll just call it being kind to the sister...

walking the natural walk....
is natural..I don't need God for that !

faith is impossible without God
and without faith...
it is impossible
to please God

vengance is mine
I will repay says God...


if the enemy is hungry...for love...
feed's love

if he is thirsty for caring
show him that you care....

this is impossible

God does it through me....
this is how I know for sure

that there is a God !!!

if we live in the spirit
let us also...
walk in the spirit.

I am not saying there is no explanation...
I just want to be careful that I have not
explained away my disobedience.

1 comment:

  1. i must have the explanation...but it must be the right explanation..else why would we have a mind?
