Wednesday, October 7, 2009


rites of passage ? ...when do we become men....
I was listening to "Fresh Air" on public radio on
the drive home today. There was this guy on, talking
about manhood...the hurts, mistakes and regrets of a
husband and father...something like that....

I want to make the title of my book "the JOYS of manhood" or

GUIDE TO MANHOOD" now I have to figure how to start.

BTW the title of this Guys book was

I figured out the way...
I am going to do
this by getting
a TON of OPV

"other peoples views"
so watch for the
on this post


  1. "The FOOL says in his heart
    there is no GOD"......
    The wise man not only Knows GOD...
    but also knows there is no godess.

  2. Liminality: Alan Weisman

    There is a right and wrong way of respecting authority....

    Resentment towards an authority figure will subvert the love of good in our hearts ...

    the victim needs perpetual hate toward someone on a pedestal who will forever fail them.

    their sense of worth depends on them seeing THE ONE as perfect, otherwise it reflects badly on them.... the slightest fault becomes grounds for secret judgment.

    Instead of realizing the folly, THE ONE is blamed, believing THE ONE to have betrayed them...and stubbornly going on setting THE ONE up to fail, and in doing so, compounding the dilemma.

  4. What everyone is really seeking, both men and women, is the love of a true father few have ever known. In the purest sense, fathers are God's bureaucrats on earth and ought to represent and validate their offspring's nobler selves. Sadly, most men fall short, not only at being husbands, but also as fathers. The failure to be a husband and respond to a woman's real need results in two extreme behaviors: violence and wimpiness. Both extremes are forms of cruelty to wives and children. - Roy Masters

  5. I think you first become a man when you are wise enough to ask yourself if you are one. any way you do it though with all the pressure that comes from growing up i would much rather stay a boy for the rest of my days - Posted on 08:39PM on Oct 7th, 2009

  6. The error of Adam was to hearken to the voice of the woman rather than to what he knew in his heart to be right. The woman, with her serpent-coached tongue, became Adam’s authority, the reinforcing source of his prideful existence. To this day, the ego existence of man revolves around woman and deceitful authority. A woman who is pretty and is a good liar, good at supporting the male ego in its prideful endeavors, does not have to work at all. A man will work himself to death for her lying support. She represents life and truth to him. - FHU
