Saturday, October 3, 2009


Dad, I am with you on the strong role of the father.
If you have heard me talk or read the writings.

I am a firm believer in biblical manhood.
I had a good example in my own father

we are living in a less than perfect world
women seem to overrun us...

it seems so easy to give in.....
and I did that for a while
much to my ruin.

I was listening to some conversation
regarding the solutions
are different simply because I am always
coming from the point of view of the man.

so I don't really want to take sides in any dispute
but I just want you to know that I very much understand
where you are coming from....and I am praying for you
a whole I said to my brothers....I am not worried
about my sisters .....women will always find a way....
the devil will help long as they get rid of the man !!

so my main concern is the man....
because you see my friend, as you know well

when fighting wars....the enemy always goes for
the command and control...remember in the desert
storm was where I first understood this idea.

BTW I was hunkered down in (an underground)
basement apartment..coming from work
watching the war..the first Gulf War...on TV.
night after in SIN.

as the war was waged in full view of the world
on television...we all understood the strategy of our
united states forces......

we were not too concerned with the random fighting forces
our main goal was to take out the command and control

I do believe that God gives men instruction to be
head of the family....instructions that He does not
necessarily give the woman.

the problem is in today's world
the strategy of the enemy is to

distract the man
deceive the man and so
destroy the man

he wants to take out the command and control
the place where the fighting forces are getting
their orders....if there is no one hearing from God
and directing the war for truth and righteousness
pretty soon confusion will result and families by the
thousands have been overrun by this strategy.
extra-marital affairs..broken relationships..are
at the root of every crisis and problem now at
the national level.

we are distracted by so many things not the least of which is other women..or man

I am just pouring out my own heart to you, me at 55 years old hoping that I can
help you to help some other fighting man.....your sons and brothers just like
how someone helped me...I knew and you are alike..we have
Godly foundation that is why we are specially targeted by the devil....
we are dangerous to his cause.....the man who God used to get a hold
of me in 1997 when I was destroying myself and my family...God used an
ex-homosexual man to point out to me that I needed to hear God and obey
the things that I had already learned and known....and get out of the female deception.

by that I mean trying to think that the woman was the enemy...
don't get me wrong....the woman is not the enemy but most often
she is working with the enemy because the man is DISTRACTED
from God. I think that is what we must learn from the deception
of Eve in the Genesis of the Bible...and saint Paul points out later
that the man was not deceived (first)...

so I am just saying that I know that there are others
who do not talk to you in this almost seems as if sometimes
we help the devil to beat up on the man....
and take out the command and control center

but I am only here to tell you today that when you rise up
to be the spiritual leader that you are in your family....
not in the will never be able to beat back the
forces of darkness by mental effort

I am praying for you and fasting..because I realize that
the enemy is bent only on our destruction as men and
leaders in our homes.

God has given you your wife
to love...and to lead
be wise and be strong

I am fighting the same fight
some days I win...other days
the victory is delayed
as long as I really really
trust GOD...not just say so

I could talk to you for hours
on how He has come through
time after time again
when I was "down for the count"

let me know in any way that I can help you personally
to fulfill the purposes that God put in your heart for
YOUR Family.


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