Friday, November 20, 2009

hiding the shame

Graven Images - show us the father and it sufficeth us.

My cousin Lennon Alanzo has the same birthday as myself.
My twin brothers were born on the day before our birthday.

I am a second child...and have a tendency to play supportive
roles in most of "my movies"....but cousin Len has consistently
played leading roles in all of his movies and so has my sister
Grace. Grace and Len, you see, are FIRST children. As is Terry.
and Loma..I beleive...Len however, has an added element....
he is also AN ONLY CHILD.

I was trying to remember wether our cousin Trever was older
Than his sister...without actually knowing the facts I thought
about it a LITTLE (no pun intended) and am willing to bet
that His sister is older. {let me know if I am wrong}

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image,
or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above,
or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth

A while ago I came across a book titled
I did not read it through...but I never forgot the idea
suggested by the title.... that where you fall in the family among
siblings will affect your personality ...period.!!!

wherever you end up in life you will demonstrate
characteristics similar to others  in your "birth order group"

Recently cousin Len was doing a construction project and
I was his helper. He kept diving one idea into my head.
RON YOU HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT.....did I mention that
I was older than don't matter...he (tink he) de boss !!!

As we forgive those who trespass against us...

to be continued in the CHRONICLE <click here

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