Sunday, January 17, 2010

The verdict is yours.

Walking with my four year old nephew I did not notice that he had reached out and was playing with a wire that was hanging from a utility pole. I had stopped to exchange pleasantries with a neighbor and turned in horror to see him pulling on the wire, with his free hand. Without a thought I yelled and jumped at the same time pulling his arm which I was still holding. It turned out that the wire was not carrying any electricity.
How could I have known that?

The preacher during the course of this Sunday morning meeting reminded us that we are all limited by knowledge. Our reaction to various situations is usually based on the knowledge that we have. In fact most of our decisions are made after careful consideration of facts. The Judge in handing down the verdict in some criminal cases will use the expression “with malice and forethought” in explaining a guilty verdict, the judge will say that the evidence and testimony of witnesses in the case suggest that the one who is accused did think about the act before deciding to break the law.

As far along as we humans have come in the development of our modern societies, there are still things which we do not know for sure. It is always very humbling to admit that we do not know, especially when we think about how much discoveries and inventions we have made. We are still at a loss to find a way to cure cancer. We do not know how to control nature. We find it difficult to accept the fact that there are still so many circumstances STILL beyond our control, so many things that defy explanation.

Pat Robertson recently made comments suggesting at a time of great human suffering in Haiti that the tragedy may be connected to God. The comments caused a great out cry against Mister Robertson.

I must confess that I do not know for sure if God “told” Mister Robertson to make these remarks. I am equally unsure if Mister Olbermann’s vehement condemnation would by his admission be attributed to God.

Will I find Faith on the earth?
Few there be that find it.
Let Him be crucified.

Luke 13:1 At that time some people reported to Jesus about some Galileans whom Pilate had executed while they were sacrificing animals. 2 Jesus replied to them, "Do you think that this happened to them because they were more sinful than other people from Galilee? 3 No! I can guarantee that they weren't. But if you don't turn to God and change the way you think and act, then you, too, will all die. 4 What about those 18 people who died when the tower at Siloam fell on them? Do you think that they were more sinful than other people living in Jerusalem? 5 No! I can guarantee that they weren't. But if you don't turn to God and change the way you think and act, then you, too, will all die."

Are there any parallels in this account?
The verdict is yours.

Some people to whom I spoke about the Robertson controversy were not so much offended by what Robertson implied bt his remarks, they were just very upset that he said it right at this time.

I personally think that there is a prevailing attitude among many people today that wants to put God out of everything. Some folk get nervous when they are reminded of human limitation. We are not God. We do not know everything. I am not willing to say that God caused the earthquake in Haiti....but He certainly ALLOWED it....If God is great and has all power He certainly could have prevented this !!!....This I believe is what is bothering most people. We do not want to acknowledge a God who would allow this kind of stuff. So the out pouring of anger against Pat Robertson may be really anger against God. This I believe is the same kind of anger that caused the Jews to turn against Jesus after all the good and even the miracles He did to help the human suffering in His time...they were willing to shout....LET HIM BE CRUCIFIED.

And Jesus knowing human nature, said the road that leads to life is difficult to find, He even looking forward to the future, asked weather we thought He would find faith on the earth when He returned.


  1. I don't normally comment on your blogs, just read them when I have the time, but I would like to make a contribution to this one because his insensitivity got me real insensed. The bible says ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. None excluded, not the great America or Jamaica or some other country. There is as much wickedness in America like Haiti, my question is why would a LOVING and JUST God single our Haiti to destroy it and not America. I am sure that's not the God I would want to serve. I have a very awesome fear and respect for God, but sometimes we do say some things, just like Pat Robertson that cause others to be so offended that it prevents them from coming to that loving God that I know of. I am not saying that God does not meet out his judgement and doesn't warn us to get away from sin. He is the same God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and even Ishmael and his decendants. Have you watched to see that there are Christian folks in Haiti as well, I saw a little girl with one of the few things she was able to save, a bible, when they interviewed her she said that God is going to take care of her family. There are people who believe in God and know him in Haiti. Let's pray the God will save them, and don't forget the scripture your quoted that sometimes God allows things to happen as a sign but it is not because some are more righteous than others.

  2. I don't think insensitivity bothers God too much...but we are not God you may say...yes but...he talks and acts through us!!! You could say that John the baptist Got his head chopped off because of his insensitivity...or Jeremiah got thrown in the cesspool...because of his insensitivity...Robertson and his ilk may need to be careful....but NOT ON GOD's BEHALF !!!!
