Friday, February 19, 2010

REALITY CHECK - do you beleive this?

Back inside the house again
The guilt and anguish came
Everything I'd promised Him
Just added to my shame

When at last it came to choices
I denied I knew His name
And even if He was alive
It wouldn't be the same

But suddenly the air was filled
With a strange and sweet perfume
Light that came from everywhere
Drove the shadows from the room
And Jesus stood before me
With his arms held open wide
And I fell down on my knees
And I just clung to Him and cried

Then He raised me to my feet
And as I looked into His eyes
The love was shining out from Him
Like sunlight from the skies
Guilt in my confusion
Dissappeared in sweet release
And every fear I'd ever had
Just melted into peace

He's alive yes He's alive
Yes He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide

He's alive yes He's alive
Oh He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive yes He's alive
Hallelujah He's alive
He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive He's alive He's alive

Don Francisco 1977

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
I can guarantee this truth: Whoever
obeys what I say will never see death."
<< John 8:51 >>
"...and everyone who lives
and believes in me
shall never die."
Do you believe this?"
<< John 11:26 >>

Grateful boss gives company to workers
Bob Moore's 200 employees showed up
to work as usual this week — only to get
a huge surprise. » Why he didn't sell
The company will now be run by an
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) --
the idea being that a company's stock is put
in a retirement plan for its employees...

Thinking of What's Best for the Group
If making Americans healthier is his passion,
encouraging good business practices and
entrepreneurship is his mandate.
"There's a lot of negative stuff going into
business today," he said.
"It's a good old basic Bible lesson --
love of money is the root of all evil.
And unfortunately, our entire philosophy
today is get all the money you can and
whatever way you can. It's caused many
corporations to bite off more than they
can chew. And it causes people to do a lot
of things just for money that they feel in
their hearts is not the right thing to do."

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