Friday, May 14, 2010

and after death...


how do you repay the ones who gave you life?

as we grow older we try to resolve issues that arise in our minds about our childhood. These issues may come about because of 'NEW' information about life in general

.I have come to the honest conclusion that I had the best parents in the world !!!

It was rough for me growing up in a family of least that's what I thought back then. Today I know different. I KNOW for 100% sure without proving it toyou - you will have to take my word for it until you hear it for youself at the FINAL JUDGMENT OF GOD - I know for sure that my parents did the exact right thing for our family. I have no regrets or doubts in that regard....and guess what? is well with me !!

Honor your father and mother "it will be well with you" is what we are promised.

It is in vogue in some circles these days for folk to trace their present miseries to faulty parenting. Whereas we may not agree with choices made by parents it will only hurt us to sit in judgement on our parents. Let us honor our parents by building a foundation for the future with the life they gave to us.



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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do we participate in a politics of cynicism or a politics of hope?
..........Barack Obama