Sunday, May 2, 2010

memory and persuasion

New Living Translation (©2007) - 2 Corinthians 5:11
Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this, too.
New International Version (©1984) - Acts 26:28
Then Agrippa said to Paul, "Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?"


I was just out of high school when I started to notice memory failure.
Not catastrophic, but bothersome. Enough so, that I took a course
from a school in Great Britain. A course in memory and concentration.
One of the methods taught was called 'the hook'. In short I was told
that I needed to develop 'hooks' in my mind not unlike those in a
clothing closet. I was taught how to 'hang' things that I needed to
remember on these hooks. By 'grabbing' the hook a whole string
of otherwise forgotten stuff would come readily to mind.


As the years passed, it was becoming apparent that I had turned
into a full blown geek. Always tinkering with some contraption.
I drifted from basic electricity into logic circuits and digital electronics
and finally deteriorated into the world of 'modern' digital computers...
and like a terminally comatose patient.....there are no signs of recovery.


I cannot forget the first time I 'discovered' hypertext.
I don't fully recall, but like Archimedes of old....I was
wandering around ...'naked in the streets' for hours
shouting I HAVE FOUND IT !!!!!.....don't believe
everything you read or at the very least,
don't take it literally.


So, anyhow, I did run a few 'experiments' on the wife
and a few other close unsuspecting family members.
My hypothesis is now a well respected and widely
accepted THEORY.
Here it is:

The Human Mind is hopelessly
fact the HOOK LAW is right up there with
the laws of thermodynamics etc....

don't leave me now! not yet.. have perhaps figured that I am at least
out of my depths if not completely gone 'over the edge'
but at least check it out for yourself.

I kid you not...I was running out of stuff to write
so I GOOGLED memory ,the hyperlinked mind

The main principle of memory technique is linking
the thing to be remembered to some other idea –
this is known as association. <-CLICK IT

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