Sunday, May 30, 2010

memorial day 2010


like the tunnel that you follow
to a tunnel of its own
down a hollow to a cavern
where the sun has never shone
like the door that keeps revolving
in a half forgotten dream
or the ripples from a pebble
someone cast into a stream
as the images unwind
are the circles that you find
in the windmills of your mind

so i was walking around the neighborhood just now
trying to stay healthy....i walked for about an hour.
there were flags everywhere.....the town puts them
up on every telephone pole.
memorial day. memorial day weekend.
i stayed up most of last night. crawled into
bed about 545am. these new
vitamins are awesome!!....the downside
....we missed morning church.

so i was thinking about the ground of this
rich man that was doing pretty good
for himself and the comments the
master made is everyone who
lays up for themselves treasure on earth

last week aaron was telling us about some
homosexuals and a little old lady
he was trying to tell us - i believe - that the
people in romans chapter one
are obviously incredibly wicked because
they decided that they didn't want God.
....but romans chapter two says that before
i get all self-righteous and judgmental
i should take a closer look at myself
....if i am honest i will find a lot of the time
that i am inexcusable because i too am not
just flawed but downright sinful and
wicked when i reject or neglect to do the
things that i know to be true and right
my attitude rather than righteous
indignation should be the fear of God...

the windmills of the mind is a song that
i memorized a while ago...i didn't get
the time to check if the words were
correct....but it just came back to
me as i was thinking about memorial day.
the words are a pretty good description
of how my mind is working these days
....i remembered the saturday morning
when the shuttle blew up over the texas skies
returning to earth from a mission.
a teacher was on board, she i dont
know why i was thinking about this
but i was wondering wether scientists know
what would happen to a human body
if it was released in outer space.
would it decay? where would it go?...sorry
don't know where that came.....a wild thought !!!

the catholics have a lot of statues....
as i did my walk i passed a few yards
with statues. the was even one with budah (sp).
john said this 'little children,
keep youselves from idols' i am not saying that these statues are
idols. i was just thinking that john
was saying the same thing as paul -
romans one where aaron was.
if you or me think about GOD to the extent
that we know HIM...then we turn
away from the truth that we know....
whatever explanation we give,
what ever we substitute,
whatever we invent,
whatever we put in the place of the truth....
that stops being
a useless idea,
it gets taken over by evil spirits....that evils takes
on a life of its own in our minds...
.so concludes paul :the wrath of GOD is revealed
from heaven against all unrighteosness
of men who suppress the truth
...their understanding
says he, becomes

i got to be thinking about john the baptist
i was getting a little bit angry.
i like john a lot...i really do.
so i was thinking...why didn't Jesus
get him out of jail?
why did HE let
him be murdered?

I had to abandon the whole thought process.
I heard My friend MALCOLM once
say: ron, you have to

have a happy memorial

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