Sunday, May 2, 2010

memory and persuasion 2


we were discussing memory and persuasion. I was rambling a little about memory and my "theory of thought"....but I didn't quite get around to the persuasion part.....

The Hidden Persuaders, written by Vance Packard, was first published in 1957 and although this book by now presents a somewhat dated account of the advertising industry, it does provide a useful insight into what life was like in 1950s USA at the dawn of the 'consumer revolution'. - QUOTE

I was born in the 50's.
So here am I having lived over 50 years....
thinking about APATHY....and why it is that most people
don't seem to care about some of the things that interest me.

This past week on TBN, Paul Crouch the founder
of the great television satellite network, and his son,
were interviewing Jack Van Impe and two other gentlemen
about current affairs. These people seemed to be quite
'worked-up' about a lot of stuff that is in the news these days.

Then there was the news story about Franklin Graham and
the national day of prayer. It seems that young mister
Graham has gotten quite 'worked-up' about a national
prayer meeting that he is trying to 'push' sometime
this month. Some folk were not too happy about
Mr. Graham having that kind of influence.
So they had him "dis-invited"
from speaking at the pentagon.

So I am not quite done trying to 'digest all this in
my mind when I read this morning's headlines about
a bombing attempt in New York city.

Anyhow I wanted to go to church so I shut the
computer down and went to listen to my
30 year old pastor (expecting to be a father
the third time round...will be having his first daughter).....

it was a very good time today at church...I hope I can get you
the link so you can hear it. He was talking about one of my own
father's favorite subjects....GROANING....the whole creation
he said "is groaning"....BUT the spirit helps, searching
and acting on our behalf. Daddy used this passage of scripture.
I remembered instantly that the first time I heard about this
was from my father...Sonny Man.

we are distracted very much by modern media;
television and the WEB. We are desensitized by seeing
and hearing so much adultery and murder.
most of what we get for news, is bad news,
robberies rampant lawlessness everywhere.
Today pastor made reference to Neil Postman and his book
"Amusing ourselves to the age of show business"
a book I had been introduced to at a teacher- training session
when I taught in catholic school.

I remembered, as my "hyper-linked mind" started
to unravel the memories...

Billy Hall was asking us his students
- the week that BOB MARLEY died -
whether it was right to call Marley a prophet.
Marley had a song in which he was singing
what he was seeing (Marijuana or not)....
Marley seemed to make a deep emotional connection
as he sang..."EVERYWHERE IS WAR".....but
nowadays....there is is not clear if most people
"see" the seriousness of the times or maybe people just


sorry if I lost you there...
but this is the answer I am giving to My friend Bill Hunter....
in response to a FACEBOOK NOTE.... and this in my profile:

Blind? why didn't I see it?
maybe I was not looking,
not paying attention,
not careful,
not vigilant !!!
maybe I did not know
what to look for
maybe it was dark,
not enough light.
maybe I have a
vision problem,
no sight
or low vision.
1Thes. 5:3

whether they hear or forebear
we must tell them

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