Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Romans 3:4

let God be true, but every man a liar
over 8,000 short term missionaries serving in 70 different communities throughout Belize, Jamaica and Mexico. We have had teams join us from all over the United States and in Canada. Each year, there is sufficient need to open the doors to 20 new communities. Now, more than ever, we need people to do God's work in these communities.
I can't do that just now, I am praying;
it is my hour with God.
No, it is your hour with your habit.....

I have made my choice forever; I will walk with Christ my Lord.
Naught from Him my soul can sever while I'm trusting in His Word.
I the lonely ways have taken, rough and toilsome though it be;
And although despised, forsaken, Jesus I'll go through with Thee.


Though the garden lies before me, and the scornful judgment hall,
Though the gloom of deepest midnight settles round me like a pall,
Darkness can affright me never; from Thy presence shadows flee.
And if Thou wilt guide me ever, Jesus, I'll go through with Thee.


Though the earth may rock and tremble, though the sun may hide its face,
Though my foes may be strong and ruthless, still I dare to trust Thy grace.
Though the cross my path o'ershadow, Thou didst bear it once for me.
And whate'er the pain or peril, Jesus, I'll go through with Thee.


When the conflict here is ended, and the weary journey done;
When the last grim foe is conquered, and the final victory won;
When the pearly gates swing open, and an entrance full and free
Shall be granted to the victors, Jesus, I'll go through with Thee.


Love means that there is no habit visible, you have come to the place where the habit is lost, and by practice you do the thing unconsciously. If you are consciously holy, there are certain things you imagine you cannot do, certain relationships in which you are far from simple; that means there is something to be added. The only supernatural life is the life the Lord Jesus lived, and He was at home with God anywhere. Is there anywhere where you are not at home with God? Let God press through in that particular circumstance until you gain Him, and life becomes the simple life of a child. - CHAMBERS

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