Monday, January 17, 2011


Marked by contempt or irreverence for what is sacred.
1. To treat with irreverence
2. To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse

In the eighties I was working with a prominent charity at a school for blind and visually impaired students. There was much political upheaval at the time. Labor and managenemt were going at it...full bore. Labor unions were flourishing. The organization for which I was working was a highly religious outfit...and became the object of intense industrial action by a local trade union seeking to gain 'a footing' among this 'new' hitherto immune section of the workforce - non-profits. The idea that 'church people' would never 'take advantage' of the working class. was an idea that was about to be challenged.
It was against this backdrop that I was first introduced to a gentleman by the name of Harvey Cox. The manager of the non-profit for which I worked had quite a collection of books from his college years. Among them were some writings by Mr. Cox from whom I will now quote the following:

The forces of secularization have no serious interest in persecuting religion. Secularization simply bypasses and undercuts religion and goes on to other things. It has relativized religious world views and thus rendered them innocuous. Religion has been privatized. It has been accepted as the peculiar prerogative and point of view of a particular person or group. Secularization has accomplished what fire and chain could not: It has convinced the believer that he could be wrong, and persuaded the devotee that there are more important things than dying for the faith.

I the face of the overwhelming onslaught of secularization
What is the christian supposed to do? this the same as worldiness?
1 John 2:15

ADVERT EYES ...more on this later

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