Friday, January 21, 2011

What do you think?

whatever version of REALITY you happen to be running or beleiving...
throw it out...and THINK ON THESE THINGS.

keep your thoughts on whatever is right or deserves praise: things that are true, honorable, fair, pure, acceptable, or commendable. 9Practice what you've learned and received from me, what you heard and saw me do. Then the God who gives this peace will be with you. - PAUL

"I find your ramblings quite interesting. Hope you are not offended by the word "ramblings"; but the seeming disconnect in the obvious thought processes, then the sublime connections in all said is qualified by me as such, and guess what? I realize that sometimes that is how my mind thinks. Anyway, what has surfaced in all you have said, is the realization of the TRUTH!! The Word of God!! And, when in doubt, believe the WORD. When you (general) are being bombarded with everything, finances, bank, TV, moms cussing you out/or rather having strong disagreements etc. the only comfort (even when it doesn't appear that way at the time) is the Word, and that our lives can be staked upon it. The trouble with most of us adults, is that we sometimes get so intelectual, we want to reason out every thing instead of believing what God says in His Word. Isn't that the reason why Jesus kept on exhorting us to have childlike faith. And when we reach that place we will believe, and by extension apply what the Word says we must do. Such as, "Whatever things are true... etc, think on these things.Then the "mind's powersave" automatically chips in and peace floods in, and health will be in our marrow etc.

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