Saturday, March 12, 2011

choices 3220

a good report - Sunday School was pretty good the past 2 weeks but one particular student is becoming a bit uneasy saying "we need to come to a conclusion". Not everyone can deal with inconclusiveness. I am willing to learn and the thing that 'hit me between the eyes' was the comment by the teacher that we should ALWAYS be giving a good report. I have a tendency to give bad reports, so this is an area that I need to work on. I must start by listening less to the local news on radio and TV. I am beginning to realise that BAD NEWS SELLS.

Clutter is the by-product of indecision.
Make sure everything in your space
is there because you choose to keep it.
Teri Trespicio, Whole Living, Sep 2010

drug paraphernalia

Freedom to choose maybe the thing that separates humans from the is the thing that gets us into a lot of trouble. In the present unrest in Lybia, some are looking at all the posibilities for the common folk to throw off the tynanny of THE KERNEL. Others are even speaking of the comming 'free society'...a democratic Lybia!!

If the Son therefore, has set you free, you will be free indeed !!!

WHAT DO YOU THINK?... about these cartoonish TV shows: Family Guy and American Dad? the FAMILY CHRONICLE has more than a passing interest here. Is this the new Model for the family?

FOCUS ON THE FAMILY and FAMILY LIFE are two sources of Family Information that I find helpful

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