Monday, March 7, 2011


Who is sufficient for these things?

you being evil
give good gifts.
Who is an evil man?
..whoever he is it seems
like he knows and does some good.
1I decided not to visit you again while I was distressed. 2After all, if I had made you uncomfortable, how could you have cheered me up when you were uncomfortable? 3This is the very reason I wrote to you. I didn't want to visit you and be distressed by those who should make me happy. I'm confident about all of you that whatever makes me happy also makes you happy. 4I was deeply troubled and anguished. In fact, I had tears in my eyes when I wrote to you. I didn't write to make you uncomfortable but to let you know how much I love you.

5If someone caused distress, I'm not the one really affected. To some extent-although I don't want to emphasize this too much-it has affected all of you. 6The majority of you have imposed a severe enough punishment on that person. 7So now forgive and comfort him. Such distress could overwhelm someone like that if he's not forgiven and comforted. 8That is why I urge you to assure him that you love him. 9I had also written to you to test you. I wanted to see if you would be obedient in every way. 10If you forgive someone, so do I. Indeed, what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did in the presence of Christ for your benefit. 11I don't want Satan to outwit us. After all, we are not ignorant about Satan's scheming.

12When I went to the city of Troas, the Lord gave me an opportunity to spread the Good News about Christ. 13But I didn't have any peace of mind, because I couldn't find Titus, our brother, there. So I said goodbye to the people in Troas and went to the province of Macedonia.

14But I thank God, who always leads us in victory because of Christ. Wherever we go, God uses us to make clear what it means to know Christ. It's like a fragrance that fills the air. 15To God we are the aroma of Christ among those who are saved and among those who are dying. 16To some people we are a deadly fragrance, while to others we are a life-giving fragrance. Who is qualified to tell about Christ? 17At least we don't go around selling an impure word of God like many others. The opposite is true. As Christ's spokesmen and in God's presence, we speak the pure message that comes from God.
the problem of good and evil
will always perplex us.
The serpent is still trying to tell us that we can be
AS GOD - able to determine what is good
or what is evil.
He is still tempting us
to "eat of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil." for instance,
Martha is upset with the teacher,
why? because she is doing all the work and Mary?
she just sits around (listening to the teacher)
and now the teacher wants to say
the wife is upset because unlike grandma, the other guest is not very helpful. Grandma makes a bold and strong profession of faith. She sets the bar very high for herself and we are NOT disappointed....and yet for all the good deeds the word is not in vain that "the righteous are scarcely saved"..."not by works of righteousness"etc
So like the bewildered disciples we ask...
WHO, then, can be saved?
I should not, however, live with
the expectation that (whoever this
evil man is) the evil man will be
good to me or anyone else !!!
..every GOOD and perfect gift
cometh down from above from the
FATHER OF LIGHTS in whom is no
variableness or shadow of turning.

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