Monday, March 28, 2011

Practical Spiritual (3365)

Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that

would borrow of thee turn not thou away.

(Matthew 5:42)

What is a Christian Lifestyle?

Among other things it is having a Father's Heart, it is learning to hear How God Speaks and it is understanding what it means to have One Church in Christ.

It also means the following:

  • It is living every moment of your life for Christ.

  • It is living with love in your heart and seeing others as Christ sees them.

  • It is opening your eyes to see others and situations as Christ sees them.

  • It is learning to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

  • It is taking steps of faith after hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

  • It is being willing to step out of your comfort zone.

  • It is being willing to delay immediate gratification or self-satisfaction for something better later on in time.

  • It is being willing to develop relationships with the lost and hurting people God puts in your sphere of influence.

  • It is keeping you pure and not allowing the world's system to taint or corrupt your mind.

  • It is seeing each person as a brother or sister in Christ.

  • It is living your life in a way that prejudices, generalizations, stereotypes, and labels disappear.

  • It is choosing to live a life that belongs completely to Christ.

  • It is choosing to love and serve openly, freely, and without exception just as Christ did.

  • It is living your life with joy and gladness.

  • It is choosing to please God in all the little, every day activities in which you become involved.

  • It is keeping your mind alive and active and staying focused on giving God all the glory for each and everything you do.

  • It is knowing you are in possession of the greatest gift – the gospel, or good news, of Jesus Christ, which includes salvation.

  • It is confessing to others that you believe in Christ.

  • It is knowing God is with you through good times and bad.

  • It is knowing God is in control.

  • It is living a life that obeys the Ten Commandments.

  • It is living your life with hope, knowing that one day we will fully claim all God's promises.

  • It is living your life in faith.  

  • It is walking your talk, so that instead of just talking you actually discipline yourself to pray, confess and repent of your sins, read your Bible daily, and relate to and treat others just as Christ would relate to them and treat them.

  • It is being willing to submit to Christ and allow Him to live His life through you.

  • It is learning and growing daily to become more like Christ.

  • It is much more depending on whom you are and what giftings you have received from God and the kind of life experiences you have had to develop your personality.

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