Saturday, April 9, 2011

principalities and moms

Everyone seems to be looking pretty good today.
The POTUS (president of the US)
President Barack Obama says a last-minute deal with congressional leaders to avert a government shutdown happened because "Americans of different beliefs came together."
The SOTH   (speaker of the house)
House Speaker John Boehner announcing a deal had been reached to avert a government shutdown, April 8, 2011. (AP) House Speaker John Boehner emerged the star when tense negotiations among congressional leaders wound up heading off a government shutdown...
and of course Brother Reid.
THE SEMAL (senate majority leader)
"The consequences of letting our country's funding expire would be devastating. It would be devastating to our troops, to our small businesses and to Americans' everyday lives..... It would damage our image and credibility around the world.
Not only are these individuals able
to claim some kind of victory, three
groups could be happy also, namely
Democrats, Republicans and the T-folk.
What if every death is a homicide?
Since our perception is obscured by time
we don't often make connections too far beyond
the immediate. The BIBLE says its appointed
for all people to die, and after that....
my mother - mommy, used to say this
"life is real and life is earnest
and the grave is not its goal,
dust thou art and dust returneth
was not spoken of the soul"
What if there are no friends just 'persons of interest'?
we find out about the people we meet
we exchange stories, they find out about us..
what we do with our findings is the thing
that moves us towards friendship.
On the down-side, my mom used to say this:
"Have your friends
and treat them well
but never to them
your secrets tell
for when your friend
becomes your foe
all over the world
your secrets will go"
Let every soul be subject to the higher powers.
For there is no power but of God:
the powers that be are ordained of God.


  1. JESUS's View on friends:
    you are my friends if you do the things I command !!!

  2. 3420 said: you spoke about FRENZ B 4 of the facebook kind....true FRIENDS must be rare !!!
