Saturday, April 14, 2012

tricks traps & trust

Mary Whelchel had a burden to encourage .....

The true man wants two things; danger and play.
For that reason he wants a woman,
as the most dangerous plaything. 
~ Friedrich W. Nietzsche
For a marriage relationship to flourish, there must be intimacy. It takes an enormous amount of courage to say to your spouse,  "This is me. I'm not proud of it — in fact, I'm a little embarrassed by it — but this is who I am. ~  Hybels
'No issues touch us more profoundly or universally,' writes Richard Foster. 'No topics cause more controversy. No human realities have greater power to bless or curse. No three things have been more sought after or are more in need of a Christian response.'Money, Sex and Power discerns the biblical principles that enable us to live out a relevant and authentic response to the three - Richard Foster
The two most common issues argued about among married couples are money and sex. I would add that power is closely tied to both issues as they are often used as sources of power in the relationship. - Corey Allan
I had a discussion this morning about the history of violence.....
it is unmistakeable. The smashing of horns, the slashing
of teeth and claw, the blood and gore ... the cries of
fear, pain and anguish ... after a while, it all starts
to blend together. we humans take even the
violence inherent in life and dare I say ...
improve upon it. We add guns, machetes,
bombs, drones, Molotov cocktails and napalm.
We kill teenagers in the street, mothers in their
beds, and children ... everywhere we kill children.
I have just finished reading The Hunger Games,
where children are reaped to fight to the death to
atone for the "sins" of their ancestors.
"Money, sex and power are the three-legged
stool of modern culture. They are areas of human
experience littered with land mines, quicksand
and deep dark caverns of shame, fear and regret.
We have to be careful when we march into these
areas because we often unwittingly recreate
....the very problems we intended to resolve.

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