Friday, January 25, 2013


"the need to know"

man: I don't know (IDK)
God: you don't know WHERE I am? I already told you, remember Matthew 28:20.
man: I don't know why this is happening to me, maybe I don't need to know.
God: hmmm....Romans 8:28
man: why don't you tell me what I NEED TO KNOW, I've been watching the
"news" and I still don't know what's going on.
God: already have a few things that you KNOW...for sure;
Isaiah 45:6-7, Matthew 19:26, Matthew 6:34
man: I'm confused....
God: that electricity bill....the one with the red marker.... that one
is due tomorrow !
man: but what about the "DEBT CEILING"? ...and these "gun crimes" and
"global warming" ?
God: why do you 'need to know'? Psalm 22:28, Proverbs 16:4, Psalm
115:3; Do you have to know about electricity before you use it?
man: is 'pushing back the frontiers on
knowledge'....and...well... we just don't know...
God: mean that 'observation and experimentation'
stuff from your high school and college days. Remember

they told you it was so they could 'predict' and 'control'
stuff....Isaiah 45:7, Romans 9:21, Daniel 4:35
man: the weather, they been 'observing' that for a long
time; not too sure about the predictions....they keep telling us stuff

like 50% chance of a shower....and the control is all up to us we
can't seem to 'control' the rain but we try to control what we

been doing raincoats and umbrellas for a while.
God: well let me 'know' (prayer) how that electricity thing works
out....and don't worry about the news... and check this out again 1
Thessalonians 5:16-22....and this ....(I) humbled you, and allowed you
to hunger, and fed you with manna, which you knew not, neither did
your fathers know; that he might make you know that man does not live
by bread only, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the
LORD does man live..... these are the things you really NEED TO KNOW

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