Thursday, January 3, 2013


Mark Roberts asks:

If Jesus were on earth today, would he really have a Facebook page? If so, why? If not, why not?

"Jesus would not have a Facebook page. He wouldn't be stopping in an Internet café to update his status." - says Drew Goodmanson

ROBERTS: Unlike many of the rabbis and popular philosophers of his day, Jesus didn't sit back and wait for people to come to him. Rather, he spoke to people where they were, both literally and figuratively.

SAYS MICHAEL HORTON: Jesus doesn't have a Facebook page. He doesn't "friend" and "unfriend" at the click of a botton. He doesn't offer anonymous advice. ...The gospel is not just information. Like all common gifts, technology requires wisdom and discernment. There is a time and place for everything
I think Facebook would simply be another tool. I think Jesus would be using phone, text and other mediums as He deemed best effective to the individual. Some folks might only get a Tweet and it would change their lives forever while someone like the rich young ruler, who got a face-to-face meeting and dialogue, departs from Jesus deeply grieved and unchanged. It is apparent that Jesus will do both whatever it takes and only the best approach for each individual - Evan

Jesus would definitely have used Facebook and Twitter, says bishop - Yahoo! OMG!

Jesus Christ would have used social media like Facebook and Twitter to spread the Good News, a bishop (Robert Zollitsch) told a German newspaper this week. HE SAID : "he believes Christ would have taken "unusual routes" to reach out to people."...all media are suited to bring the word of God to the people," he said.

Pope Benedict XVI himself has his own Twitter account, @Pontifex, with over 1.3 million followers despite having so far sent only 14 tweets as of December 26.

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