Friday, November 29, 2013


IMAGE, IDENTITY and IMPRESSIONS and why my attitude stinks.

THE SELFIE is growing in popularity. I did not know what it 
was called but I first noticed it when my daughter kept 
taking my wife's cellphone because it had both a front 
and rear facing camera. Tons of my daughter's
'selfies' were left in the cellphone's 'albums'.

So, why can't I see my own back. . . or my own face?

Why Can't You Smell Your Own Breath or body odor?
The answer lies in the nature of the sense of smell. 
Your smell receptors in your olfactory bulb, 
which resides in your nasal canal, are 
very sensitive. But you wouldn't want 
to smell every smell all the time; 
you just want to smell new smells. 
So your smell receptors turn 
themselves off when an odor 
persists. That can be bad 
news when it comes to 
your breath. It's just 
too persistent in your life! 


'Packaging and marketing' and...why am I "Painting myself in a good light"?

..and yet there are some days, when I try to convince myself that
I don't care what anyone thinks . . . such hypocrisy ! ...right?

. . . so, who am I really ?
Am I who I think I am 
or who I want to be 
or am I who 
you think 
I am?

Was Jesus having 'an identity crisis?'
He asked His disciples one day...
"Who do men say that I am?" After hearing some responses He then
asked their opinion. Peter got a very high commendation for his
answer. It seems that even Jesus saw value in the opinions of others.

Sometimes it is my own pride that makes me want to disregard your
opinion. The fact is, we need to be told when we "stink". There
are ALWAYS potential problems for both the 'teller' and the 'told'.

Although the bible commands us in no uncertain terms to "rebuke"
one another, we rarely find anyone willing to admit this as a duty
because of the 'perils of pride'. The fact of the matter is we will
always find it easier to see the faults of others than to see our
own faults.


1. I refuse to criticize (rebuke) ANYONE because I don't want
to be criticized or rebuked. I don't need your opinion !
(this is the 'you don't matter' attitude)

2. I will criticize everyone every day all day - I have that gift !
...but don't you even dare...(this is the 'i'm better' attitude)

3. The bible says I should not judge so who am I to tell anyone
if "their breath stinks" or there is a rip in the back of their pant.

4. This is may seem rare but is actually the norm
..."If another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself."

"Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God."

so... I must pray today and every day:

Lord please help me:
to value the "impression" of my friends,
to be less concerned about "my image"
to identify myself only as you "show" yourself 
to others through me

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