Tuesday, December 1, 2015


I AM JUST READING AN ARTICLE BY THE Pastor of Southern Hills Baptist Church of Las Vegas.

Husband and Father

I like it . . . he said this:

"we bristle at preaching that minimizes God's work and maximizes man's effort".

"an artificial list of holiness based on personal preferences"

We love expository preaching. We desire to expose what the Bible is actually saying! We loathe the practice of twisting a scripture to fit a preconceived idea

takes great interest in being true to the original intent of the author. This is why we dismiss preachers who continually misappropriate the very Word of God. At best these men are naïve, at worst they are knowingly prostituting the Word for personal profit.

Not only do they separate from godly leaders outside of our denomination they actively attack fellow independents. This has led our movement to divide into splinter camps of varying influence and size

They also want uniformity in personal convictions and preferential issues like worship style, service scheduling, building design, and pulpit attire. To question the status quo brings suspicion. To express disagreement brings swift separation

the world is going to hell, and if we are going to reach them it is going to take a wide range of doctrinally sound churches that are going to look extremely different from one another. This is not only acceptable it is preferable

"our proclivity toward the inane practice of 2nd degree, 3rd degree, and 4th degree separation . . . I will be discussing this odd practice in an upcoming post called: THE SIX DEGREES OF SEPARATION ! "

Fear will lead a man to say what he doesn't believe in order to please a critic. Fear will cause a man to sacrifice transparency at the altar of influence. Fear will keep a man quiet when he ought to speak but he will call it discretion

speaking the truth is rewarding, expressing your position is freeing, and saying what you really think is tremendously liberating. Transparency doesn't seem to limit influence it seems to expand it

1 Timothy 4:13 Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.

No pride should be taken in ignorance. We should primarily be well read in the Scriptures for they contain what is needed for a life and ministry. But we should also be well read in history, science, literature, leadership, and pop culture

Jesus Christ. We hold the solution to the world's problems and we are ready to give Him away. We are willing to do anything it takes to please our Lord and advance His Kingdom.

Sent from my iPhone

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