Tuesday, January 26, 2016


SELF-INTEREST - right or wrong?

As I thought about it
It became clear
I had been 'taken'
I was about to think "Rape!"

Then I remembered
I was asked
I said yes

It felt good as I was
'Giving it up'
I was thinking "I'm helping out"

Now I feel violated.

These are the words of a student who was asked by a supervisor to develop an organizational chart for a meeting with "the boss". The student gladly complied, sharing freely valuable expert knowledge.

In retrospect the student thought that it would have been better to "do the job without 'giving up' the "how-to". A fellow student observing the situation later commented:
". . . such a fool, always allowing people to use you !"

1. What's wrong with 'giving it up' if it makes you feel helpful ?

2. Are you being 'used' if you said yes ?

"And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light." - LUKE 16:8

Sent from my iPhone

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