Tuesday, February 2, 2016



Would you (my uncle) like me (your niece) to take Madeline (my cousin|your daughter) to the DMV tomorrow?
Why do you think your relationship with your dad (my brother) is not good?


Our culture is a combination of things we believe and experiences we have.

Who we become is determined by how we resolve the conflict between our beliefs and our experiences.

Our beliefs we have control of . . . Experience, NOT SO MUCH !

I (at age 61) am doing an Ethics course in school now as an elective.

Usually assignments are chosen by the student. By a weird twist of circumstances I was "forced" to do an assignment: a paper on the

I should be happy right?
I'm clueless !!!

Do you know what this prayer is ?

BTW I have no control over what Madeline (my 20+ year old daughter) does !!!

. . . as you may have observed.


1. Ethics
2. Belief
3. Respect
4. Right(s)
5. Endorsement / support
6. Family
7. Agreement

#1. Question
Why does what I "like" matter?

#2. Question
What is a "bad" relationship?


Having read and thought about the above situation . . . Write a 7 paragraph essay - using the seven KEY WORDS and answering questions #1 & #2 - expressing
your "feeling(s)".

Sent from my iPhone

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