Monday, September 4, 2017




Psalms 66:18 If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.

Comfort and convenience have replaced the specific commands of God so that obedience is unpopular and unfettered "freedom" is the order of the day.

The primary expression of this "lawlessness" is seen in the breakdown of biblical family.

"I'm not comfortable with marriage" says the young urban professional, "it's not compatible with my professional goals".

To which the youth pastor replies:

"But God's word commands sexual abstinence" . . .

"Ya but I don't agree with that, my roommate and I have agreed to 'see' other people of whatever gender we choose as long as we keep each other informed".

It has become extremely 'uncomfortable' for the youth pastor. He must find a way to:

(a) drop the subject and move on to a more 'pleasant' subject like

"so how's your career doing?"

The youth pastor cannot 'afford' to let the word get out that his church is against fornication and homosexuality, that may play mess us attendance and totally derail the budget and the 5 year 'growth plan'.

(b) tenaciously double down and "earnestly contend for the faith" quoting multiple scriptures that teach "sound doctrine".

The above scenario may help explain the following quote from a recent Barna study:

"the church no longer functions with the cultural authority it held in times past. These are unique days for the church in America"

One hindrance to our prayers may be our 'preference' for comfort and convenience rather than the clear commands of scripture.

1 John 5:21 

"Little children, keep 

yourselves from idols."


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