Sunday, October 19, 2008

a nuh evry ting we fe tek serious

Jennifer Keane-Dawes, Gleaner Writer
When Massa God seh a Merry heart does good, like medicine. But a broken spirit dries the bones (Proverbs 17:22) a true wud. For me dear mam, God bless me fahda soul. For him used to teach me seh a nuh everyting we fe tek serious. We fe learn fe laff. Suh, fram me a pickney till now, me bin skinning me teet.
Score one for Jesus!..
Robert Lalah, Assistant Editor Features
.....He is pastor of the local Kingdom Builders Open Bible Church and his unorthodox tactics have won him the hearts of the St Catherine community's residents, young and old. I dont believe that you have to stay inside the confines of the church building in order to get people over to God. I believe in taking a more hands-on approach, he said, standing near the fence of a home next to the church. ...
...The catch was that if we won, they would all have to come to church for a month. They laughed at us and asked what would happen if we lost. I told them that they would only have to come to church for a week, Lewin joked. The community members, at first not sure what to make of the pastors challenge, decided to go along with it, if for sheer entertainment value alone.

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