Saturday, December 13, 2008

RAMBLING - this week

A Soldier's Silent Night :

click here -> WHY WAR.

I often wonder about my uncle billy. I wish I could talk to him. He was in the war. I have some very emotional childhood memories about him. I wish I could ask him now that I am older. I am sure the war helped to make him. War is big business in some peoples mind....but war is much more than physical combat.

My brother had a passenger in the car driving along... the SOLDIERS SILENT NIGHT came over the radio....the passenger started to weep uncontrolably...we found out he was a soldeir.


father chris : so where is lucky these days?
sis : on the web
mother tea : you mean the web of deceit?
sonny : yup that's his gig now. he gave up his old job to start his own business.
sis : he used to be the light bringer right?
father chris : He used to work for my boss. he was not just into light, he was also the cheif sound man...he was the multimedia guru!

How do you know who you are dealing with

when you get on the web?

In today's brave new world wide web you can morph into whoever you need to be. So in the words of 'Sonny' why wouldn't that be a great gig for mister whats-his-name?...lucky..lucif (CLICK IT)

is a turn-based, multiplayer strategy game that takes place on a map of medieval Europe. Easy to learn but more complex than Risk. Play on the web against as many as 16 human or AI opponents, for games as short as 30 minutes or as long as 4 hours. An ingenious system of simultaneous turns means that you don't have to wait for other players to make their moves!


I was thinking about this bible phrase MORE THAN CONQUERERS.

struggling to find out what is more or greater or better than a conquerer. so I googled it and ended up on this game. Anyhow my time got eaten up - on the web of deceit and...

We are left with the idea of overcomer.

My job is a kind of manager for a large information pool - database management. the greater part of every day for me is spent working with names. mothers and fathers and children; brothers sisters etc. So I was kind of taken aback when the secretary left me a sticky note to return a call to Florence Johnson. I nearly went crazy trying to remember where I had met her before.

Even Washington and Jefferson flashed across the screen of my mind as the brain searched through its mental names bank. BTW that would be DENZEL WASHINGTON and GEORGE JEFFERSON ....oops!! stop there it is!!! Florence Johnson is George and Louise Jefferson's maid...WOW!! "we are a moving on up to the eastside to a deluxe apartment in the sky..we've finally got our peice of the pie"!

So anyhow, I remembered this scene from an episode of the jeffersons where they have recently started living on the UPPER EASTSIDE rich neighborhood. Weesy is kinda lonely and makes friends with a black lady she met in the building. the lady assumes weesy is a maid like herself. she even goes into the Jeffersons apartment a few times to chit chat. It is one of these times that Florence shows up and some how it comes out in the conversation that Weesy actually owns the apartment along with her husband george. which point weesy's new found friend exclaims...."how come we black people did done overcame and ain't no one told me!!!!" there is our word again....OVERCAME....overcome.

Conquering seems to lack the idea of in that strategy game. you may be winning now but not for long...some one is about to conquer you and then what?...the whole cycle of winning and losing gets repeated ...oft !!

Last night there was a beautiful MOON...and there was also a pretty brisk wind, to top it all, there were a bunch of fluffy white clouds being driven by the wind...northward...the neighbors must have thought I was got down to 25 degrees last night....but there I was out in the yard looking up in the sky.

Between the moon and the moving clouds, I saw the landing lights of a big jet as it approached the nearby airport. That was when I thought about OVERCOMING versus CONQUERING. The big jet aircraft had to conquer the force of gravity... to stay flying; the big jet engines have to stay working all the time. However at landing time, he had to surrender, gravity would bring him back to earth.

The space shuttle on the other hand, has to exert no effort to remain in orbit. We are told that the weightlessnes of outer space is of such that you can just float around in zero gravity...effortless !!


My son is taking up wrestling as his high school sport this semester. He wants to demonstrate all his "new moves" at home. This is not a great idea !... I am steadfastly resisting it...mostly in my mind. Every so often now, he trys to put me in one o them "head-locks" or something : BTW...This is not new.... He's been doing this since he could talk. ". (could this be the cause of Alzheimers: kids putting their parents in 'head-lock'?! LOL)

The whole experience, though, is shedding much light on some things partially hidden.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Of late I have been wondering if I was loosing my mind....this steady onslought of renegade thoughts that stampede through the mind. ...this stuff is close up and personal !! I used to try to separate out the thoughts to see which ones were mine....wrong move ! I now know that that is impossible...all kinds of thoughs will to the mind unbidden come !....(a little old english lingua there)....

So what's the point...

not yet,

a little more rambling first....

..there is a thin line between sanity, stupidity and alzheimers. I saw a sister on TV last week talking about a family member. At first I was shocked that an apparently private matter would be treated with this degree of openess especially by an avowedly private individual...ok so now that I got that out of my system...where was I?...o yes that's right...I recovered quickly from the attack of evil thoughts against the sister by using the Sheild.


That's right the shield of faith. I had to beleive that no matter how it seemed, that this was indeed a well intentioned move. ..and sure enough as I listened further it came out that there was indeed much for me to learn regarding keeping my mind active, (and MOSTLY RENEWED) and staying physically active as well to stave off any coming alzheimers or other dementia. I reflected on my old friend Oral...yup, he is my friend ORAL ROBERTS...we commune a lot....does he seem a bit demented to you ? ..well he is not !

Ruthie was on TV this week. (is this an example of mental malfunction?.. not Ruthie it was Ann Graham....Ruth Graham is the wife, check it out here) She was talking about her dad too....she said that he was still pretty sharp mentally, both himself, BILLY GRAHAM and ORAL are in their nineties.

So anyhow, lawlessness is very much a characteristic ouf our times. The Bible calls ANTICHRIST SPIRIT OF LAWLESSNESS.....look it up see what you find. Then take a read of the Chicago Tribune if you have time...politicians in general and Chicago politicians in particular seem to be a law unto themselves....I could be wrong.

FAMILY CHRONICLES beleives in families. Family represents order. Marriage is very unatural, it was invented by God. It has something to do with modeling our obedience to our God and His son Jesus.

When our children are habitually disobedient, is it becasue we have modelled it so well for them in our husband / wife our own homes !! ?

So ought every man to love his own wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it and the wife to obey her husband....that does not go over too well with most of us...and so we become MONOSEXUALS.... (I never saw this word anywhere before, have you?...I think I may have invented it !!)

...that is... we do our own thing, we come up with a ton of other ideas that "will work for us"..are more convenient more comfortable more satisfying...after all...let's be reasonable...trans, bi, homo, multi, cross, serial monogamy, trial marriages, trial separation, shacking up and varoius other fornicating social networking kinds of things...whatever works for us...right?

Romans 1: 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. 17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

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