Drop Thy still dews of quietness til all our striving cease take from our souls the strain and stress and let our ordered lives confess the beauty of Thy peace peace...perfect peace by thronging duties pressed to do the will of Jesus THIS IS REST yesterday we looked at the INVITATION come !!! unto Me Jesus said and I will give you rest.... now says the hebrew writer there remains a rest to the people of God nervousness, restlesness...comes mostly when I am going AGAINST GOD rest is when I know He is in charge... and I let go the just shall live by His faith yes we need to plan etc but we will kKNOW the rest of God when we are obeying His commands restlessnes is related to disobedience |
Dealing with Deconstruction
Dealing with Deconstruction Tobi England Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:56
What to do when someone is losing their faith
[image: cracking brick wall]
Many Christian...
1 week ago
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