Monday, February 22, 2010


Provide things honest in the sight of all men.


In asking the question He was giving His

identity. He wanted to know....did they

'get it'. How about me?


Who is defining me?

Am I going to give in

to the multiple makeovers...

who do people say that I am?

are circumstances

'forcing' me

into Godless roles

or identities?


I must admit my failing

but I cannot remain in defeat

I must move on to accepting

the pardon....and I must live

In the NEW Identity



if any man be in Christ

he is a new creation...

there is therefore NOW

no condemnation

to THEM that are


walk not after the

flesh but after



we cannot hold our identity

in pride....we always realize

that it is no longer I that lives

but CHRIST lives in me

and the life I now live...

is a live consumed by


He it is who

"keeps me from

falling and presents

me faultless"


I must needs go home by the way of the cross,

There's no other way but this;

I shall ne'er get sight of the gates of light,

If the way of the cross I miss.




The way of the cross leads home,

The way of the cross leads home,

It is sweet to know as I onward go,

The way of the cross leads home.


I must needs go on in the blood sprinkled way,

The path that the Savior trod,

If I ever climb to the heights sublime,

Where the soul is at home with God.


Then I bid farewell to the way of the world,

To walk in it never more;

For the Lord says, "Come," and I seek my home,

Where He waits at the open door.


Tenacity is more than endurance, it is endurance

combined with the absolute certainty that what

we are looking for will come to pass.

One of the greatest strains in life

is the strain of waiting for God.


"Be still, and know that I am God."

Psalm 46:10

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