Friday, April 23, 2010

rambling - this week

Isaiah 19 concludes with a wonderful description of peace and harmony by the uniting together of three ancient enemies: Egypt, Assyria and Israel.

Is it significant that the president of the United States chose this particular country, Egypt to deliver a speech calling for eventual peace between nations.?

verses 24-25 describe a shared commitment to God: "In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the Lord of hosts shall bless, saying, 'Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

why didn't I see it?

maybe I was not looking, not paying attention, not careful, not vigilant !!!


maybe I did not know what to look for.

maybe it was dark, not enough light.

or maybe I have a vision problem, no sight or low vision.

there is none so blind as him/her who will not see.
This is an old proverb attributed to the Englishman, John Heywood, in 1546.

PLANET FITNESS is very popular in our area....WE BECOME STRONGER... by excercise.... who are "those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil"? - Hebrews 5:14...Matthew Henry said, "Christian experience is a spiritual sense, taste, or relish of the goodness, sweetness, and excellence of the truths of the gospel." Are you flabby? Lacking moral firbe? spiritual muscle?

Songs of Praise is a 1925 hymnal compiled by Percy Dearmer, Martin Shaw and Ralph Vaughan Williams.[1] THIS WAS MY HIGH SCHOOL HYMN BOOK AT WOLMERS

"Morning Has Broken" is a popular and well-known Christian hymn first published in 1931. It has words by Eleanor Farjeon and a traditional Gaelic tune known as "Bunessan" (it shares this tune with the 19th century Christmas Carol "Child in the Manger"[1]). It is often sung in children's services. Pop and folk singer Cat Stevens included a version on his 1971 album Teaser and the Firecat. The song became identified with Stevens when it reached number 6 on the US pop chart and #1 on the US adult contemporary chart in 1972.[2]

Steven Georgiou was the third child of a Greek-Cypriot father, Stavros Georgiou (b. 1900)[8], and a Swedish mother, Ingrid Wickman (b. 1915).[9] He has an older sister, Anita, and brother, David.[3] The family lived above Moulin Rouge, the restaurant that his parents operated on the north end of Shaftesbury Avenue, a short walk from Piccadilly Circus in the Soho theatre district of London. All family members worked in the restaurant.[3] His parents divorced when he was about 8 years old, but they continued to maintain the family restaurant and live above it.

He formally converted to the Islamic religion on 23 December 1977, taking the name Yusuf Islam in 1978. Yusuf is the Arabic rendition of the name Joseph.


meaninglessness : death
purposelessnes / aimlessness
everything means something
life is finding the meanings

you will seek and find ME
when you have searched with

Bill O'Reilly
Jadakiss attracted some controversy and condemnation from commentator Bill O'Reilly, who labeled him a "smear merchant" due to lyrics in the song "Why?", which state Jada's belief that George W. Bush coordinated the September 11, 2001 attacks.

"Why do niggas push pounds of powder? Why did Bush knock down the towers?" In the music video for "Why?", a man holds up a picket sign reading "Buck Fush" (a spoonerism of "xxxx xxxx").

O'Reilly took the position that the President should be allowed to sue Jadakiss for slander. The track was eventually banned on some radio stations or played with the lyrics in question censored
So many seem to lament that hip hop culture is all about braggadocio, gangsta rap and misogyny. In reality, trash-talking, cop-hating, gangta rap is a very small segment of the vibrant, diverse, and positive hip hop culture that is spreading all over the world. For curious and discerning music aficionados and historians, hip hop culture is important and can be transformational, especially to young people. - Mary Rayme


news-carriers, backstabbers and gossips are all
trying to acheive a positive goal : communication;col1


1 flee fornication
2 follow peace with all men
3 fight the good fight of faith


far / close

foot /


not going dark...the night comes
when no man works...I must work the
if we walk /follow in the light
as He is in the light
we have fellowship


we have fellowship / communication / infolfow

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