when i was little,
mom made us memorize phillipians 4
the part about think on these things.
those were much simpler times.
the subject came up again tonight.
i dragged my sleep-deprived, (went to bed 3am)
half-starved (maybe)
self to listen to pastor rob...and wouldn't you know it...
yup...he said we could have peace if we think different...
and so he starts...."WHATSOVER THINGS ARE TRUE..."
don't get me wrong it was a great message
once again i was confronted with "stinking thinking".
we had a good time, folk came up and told him it was just for them etc.
and so did i....i also had to see him about the teenagers lost fone too..
but anyhow....i am driving home...thinking....
BTW....that is the real problem...i shouldn't really be thinking so much...!!!
but that'a a whole nother subject.....
i found out that i can set my computer to shut itself off five minutes after i
get done or stop...or fall asleep or whatever....they call it powersaving
my mind or thinker......not so easy....its like my mind has a mind of its own...LOL
its very hard to tell these days.
for instance, i had a H U GE ...fight about the bank balance....
nope...you don't want to know!...come to find out the balance
that you get at the ATM is not really true...
why do they
LIE TO ME !!?..you guesed it....the fees !...of course.
and why is the doctor telling me all this stuff
...sure he is V E R Y concerned about my health...right?
but this is one i can't figure out...
the weather man sat there talking bout....
ITS SNOWING.....in the upper atmosphere...
but....it's not reaching the ground....wat the &&$#@!
is he lying to me ?
me and mom got into a real ugly fight on watchnight..last
beleive it or not...i was in church...came out about 5 to twelve
to call mom and wish her a happy new year....we crossed the threshold
into 2011....in B I G disagreement.....mom wanted to know if it was
the devil that told me to call....the jury is still out on that one....
but mom usally knows what she's talking about...so i ain't touchin it !!!
but the bone of contention was how did she know it was true.
so tonight i finally come to realise that
WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE is not always easy....
this is the conclusion that i have come to.....
PSALM 23 IS TRUE !!!!...in fact the whole
BIBLE IS TRUE.....the rest of the stuff....on TV
in the newspaper, the legal advice, the medical advice...
and especially the financial advice....
the pridictions....the forecasts....the prognosis
I didn't know what it was I was watching that night on TV...but
it was interesting....the kids were watching it.....that should have
been my clue ...right there.....but...I watched it ....
come to find out....it was
I must confess I watched it again a couple times....
now...its in my head along with all the other 'stinking thinking'
that pastor Rob wanted me to get rid of...
my thinking first...should not be so much..I must use POWERSAVE.
then I must think more PSALM 23 etc.
Dealing with Deconstruction
Dealing with Deconstruction Tobi England Mon, 02/24/2025 - 12:56
What to do when someone is losing their faith
[image: cracking brick wall]
Many Christian...
1 week ago
1 comment:
I have never been a blogger, never tried it; and perhaps never been interested.
But having read what you sent via link. I find your ramblings quite interesting. Hope you are not offended by the word "ramblings"; but the seeming disconnect in the obvious thought processes, then the sublime connections in all said is qualified by me as such, and guess what? I realize that sometimes that is how my mind thinks.
Anyway, what has surfaced in all you have said, is the realization of the TRUTH!! The Word of God!! And, when in doubt, believe the WORD. When you (general) are being bombarded with everything, finances, bank, TV, moms cussing you out/or rather having strong disagreements etc. the only comfort (even when it doesn't appear that way at the time) is the Word, and that our lives can be staked upon it.
The trouble with most of us adults, is that we sometimes get so intelectual, we want to reason out every thing instead of believing what God says in His Word. Isn't that the reason why Jesus kept on exhorting us to have childlike faith. And when we reach that place we will believe, and by extension apply what the Word says we must do. Such as, "Whatever things are true... etc, think on these things.
Then the "mind's powersave" automatically chips in and peace floods in, and health will be in our marrow etc.
What do you think?
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