Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy Valentines Day ? 3115

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him;
male and female created he them.

What, then, would we say about a society in which the overwhelming majority of children were born into homes without fathers and who grew up, in significant measure, without fathers? We would say that this society was in a state of disaster, heading toward disintegration....Millions of America's children live in a state of multiplied fatherlessness -- that is, in homes without fathers and in neighborhoods where a majority of the other homes are likewise without fathers. In 1990, 3 million children were living in fatherless homes located in predominantly fatherless neighborhoods -- neighborhoods in which a majority of the families were headed by single mothers. QUOTED

Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.


Ever since I can remember, shame has been connected to sexuality.My mother was ashamed to tell me about sex. I was ashamed to talk about any girl I might have tender feelings for. The boys spoke about budding sexual maturity either with bravado or with embarrassed silence. An erection was a great embarrassment that no amount of fear could control. It almost seemed like sexuality was something that was forced on a person, an irresistible attraction. At least it seemed my mother felt that way, and my father spoke nothing about it. Sexuality seemed almost to be a tabooed subject that grew stronger the more it was kept secret. How different that seems to be from today when everyone talks about sex and people live together almost as a matter of course. Yet the mystery and conflict have not gone away. Broken marriages are escalating, and there is little sign that the misuse of sexuality (incest, adultery, sexual abuse of many kinds) has lessened. Instead of the former mystique we now are in danger of "profaning" sexuality by our blatancy. We seem to have regressed to what used to be called "polygamy"-- many relationships according to how one feels. We have slipped into a kind of "shamelessness" that flaunts the taboo, but that deadens one to the sacredness of sex. In a word, sexuality is both sacred and profane. It is sacred because it opens us to the mystery of life and love -- domains of God -- and to the deep vulnerability of one another. It is profane because it touches our animality and threatens to overcome our reason by instinctual drives that can overwhelm us. It is a source of the greatest happiness by freeing us to give and receive love, but experience shows that it is also a source of the greatest sadness and conflict, and our deepest shame. FROM - Healing the Gender Wars by Robert T. Sears


Lindsay Lohan's doing it. TV shows are based on it.
Is it our imaginations, or are wives and girlfriends ditching
their men and falling in love with other women?
New science says that sexuality
is more fluid than we thought.
The Oprah Magazine' - April 2009

FROM - Gender Wars: A Peace Plan

Why gender wars are still raging, and how to get along with the opposite sex.
By Mark B. White, Kirsten J. Tyson-Rawson, published on March 01, 1996

Gender is so basic to our assumptions about who we are and how we and others should behave that we are seldom aware that gender-related experiences influence and shape the ways we think about others and ourselves. Our beliefs--typically experienced as "oughts" and "shoulds"--nevertheless guide our behavior, establishing the nature of the interaction in...relationships without our conscious awareness.

The Gender Wars in Education by Susan McGee Bailey and Patricia B. Campbell February 9, 1999

What isn't talked about is our fear that boys who do "girl" things will somehow become "less manly". When caring, nurturing and the expression of feelings are seen as "girls' stuff" and "girls' stuff" is seen as not good for boys, boys are at emotional risk. This is not about being "masculine" or "feminine". It is about having the courage to challenge tradition. Without this courage neither boys nor girls will have all the choices they deserve.

Pitting boys against girls in competition for a good education is out of place in today's world. It shortchanges both sexes. The educational gender wars must cease. If we must have a war, let it be a war against ignorance. In this surely we are all on the same side!



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