Saturday, March 12, 2011

happy saint pats


one morning this week, I yelled at one of my
children, I used the word IDIOT, the child
thanked me (sarcastically), the other child
watching all this, wondered what was wrong
with me; and suggested (maybe with a little
cynicism) that I had got
up out of the wrong side of the bed.

I was casting about desparately as I
pulled away from the school door
where I had just dropped them both off...
I was searching for an explanation
for my outburst....I called the one
child back (the cynic) and explained to
her - as I handed over another seventy dollars
for an upcoming social which I
was not going to be invited...

I did however manage to explain that
I was going to be late again to get
their mom, my wife, to work ...and I
tried to make a connection between
this situation and selfishness in
the children who seemed nonchalant ,
to me, about getting downstairs
earlier and getting into the
vehicle a little bit quicker.


One day last week Sean Hannity the talk
show host was speaking with
Imam Anjem Choudary and Frank Gaffney.
It seems that the Imam is also a lawyer.
He, the Imam (teacher), said that there
are no innocent people.
Sean said many innocent people were
killed because of the teachings and
beleifs of the killers.

Yesterday many people died because
of an earthquake in Japan.

these were innocent people, right?

From about chapter eleven to chapter 13
which is really where I began, it SEEMS
like Jesus is really in a bad mood...
based on the writings of the Doctor, Luke.

let's look at the narrative:
1At that time some people reported to Jesus
about some Galileans whom Pilate had executed
while they were sacrificing animals.
2Jesus replied to them, "Do you think
that this happened to them because they
were more sinful than other people from Galilee?
3No! I can guarantee that they weren't.
But if you don't turn to God and change
the way you think and act, then you, too,
will all die. 4What about those 18 people
who died when the tower at Siloam fell on them?
Do you think that they were more sinful than other
people living in Jerusalem? 5No! I can guarantee
that they weren't. But if you don't turn to God
and change the way you think and act,
then you, too, will all die."


6Then Jesus used this illustration:
"A man had a fig tree growing in his vineyard.
He went to look for fruit on the tree but
didn't find any. 7He said to the gardener,
'For the last three years I've come to look
for figs on this fig tree but haven't found any.
Cut it down! Why should it use up [good] soil?'
8"The gardener replied, 'Sir, let it stand for
one more year. I'll dig around it and fertilize it.
9Maybe next year it'll have figs.
But if not, then cut it down.'"
I am out of time again
maybe I will continue
these RAMBLING later....

but b4 i sign out
I must mention that I am
a little upset with BHO
he said that he beleived
that marriage should be
between one man and one woman..
and he also beleived
in civil unions....
I really
need to think about this
some more.

BTW I did apologise to my
daughters b4 that day
was done, for using the
idiot word.

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