Friday, October 2, 2015


There is no attention deficit
I just spent over an hour doing math problems in the math lab.

It was incredibly unpleasant or to use your word, annoying. I was able to concentrate.

The problem was I didn't "want to".

So yes, perseverance is making yourself DO IT !!!

Now I'm back in the library.
Reading is easier. I developed the habit (persistence) when I was younger. The problem is, this particular book (prescribed reading) is disgusting, PERIOD !!

So once again I must force myself through at least an hour of this.

It is the end of week 5.
Reality is setting in. I need to stay off the computers!

Do the math ONLY in the Lab and use the library for reading.

I am reconstructing.
I still love writing my blogs
but I can't spend time on the computers.

The name of the game now is discipline.


PS Thanks for the listening ear

BTW, you were right these professors are not your friends, they can destroy you !

Nobody is really your friend ?


Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

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