Sunday, October 19, 2008

the root of the cancer epidemic

It's been said that we have a bunch of epidemics that were not present before in human history. One you know about for sure is the obesity epidemic. But some would have us believe there is also a cancer epidemic. To be sure, some of this is because we are living longer, but should cancer be a "natural course" of a longer life? I don't think so. So what is at the root of the cancer epidemic? First and studies really do back this up 100%, the increased consumption of inflammatory Omega 6 plant-derived fats and a decrease in the Omega 3 fish oil-based fats. In almost every cancer studied fish oil has proven extremely useful.
Couple that with high sugar intakes, deceasing sleep, increasing stress with its attendant pounding of our immune system and you've got some serious health and cancer threats. Now throw in some environmental toxins, a few xenohormones from our food and bingo you've got a cancer epidemic. Now does a healthy lifestyle and lots of fish oil guarantee a cancer-free existence? Of course nothing does. But the numbers and the rates of cancer go down dramatically with increased exercise, a healthy diet and lots of fish oil. Sadly, a lot of people can't or won't do all three of these simple steps. But even one is probably a huge help. So can you swallow a few golden capsules every day? Sure you can. CLICK FOR MORE

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