Tuesday, October 21, 2008


It is natural for us to ask why.
As a parent of teenagers I have learned to quickly "lob the ball back across the net" with WHY NOT?...but that does not always buy me enough time with these quick witted teens. So I was thinking about this craving for answers....and....as usual it is BACK TO THE BIBLE.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones. - Proverbs 3:5,6,7,8

The search for answers usually comes down to the need for understanding.
When I was in school they told me that the scientific method was how we come to know anything.
the method was:
1. observation
2. measurement
3. testing
4. experimentation
5. theorizing...something like that...WHATEVER !!
I liked the idea at the time, especially when we got to go into the lab and "fooled around"..things would bubble and fume and explode and so on and we were supposed to write down what happened and draw some conclusions.

I later found out from my father that science was only one method of getting knowledge. He taught us that by far the more reliable method was something he called REVELATION. I was not too sure at the time but later came to find out that REVELATION is when something comes into your mind / knowledge without observation, concentration or forethought. It is directly "DOWNLOADED" into your spirit by GOD. Richard Roberts sometimes calls it a "WORD OF KNOWLEDGE"

Before you become too skeptical...think about it a little.

Now let me suggest that the next time you are asked or asking WHY....you may think about
1. the why of cause or explanation OR
2. the why of purpose

I was told that the GOAL of science was to explain in order to predict to gain control. Usually when people ask WHY, they are trying to gain control. So, when the weather forecaster goes through all those charts and pictures he is trying to give information about his observations so that you can control your behaviour so as not to be hindered by the wind, rain, sun or snow in your area. Like wise, when the sixteen year old asks WHY they are not allowed to watch this movie, they are really trying to develop some theories about future movie watching experiences....and all this within the realm of reason.

Now back to Proverbs chapter three. It starts out with commandments.
1 My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:
2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.
It has been my experience that commands do not lend themselves readily to reason....they are usually the end product of someone elses reasoning....so verse 3 says I should take someone (GOD) elses reasoning and make it binding on me (bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart).

the why of purpose
My own understanding is when I want control...I am told not to lean in that direction but to TRUST GOD....HE is in CONTROL....He has a purpose but not necessarily an explanation...that I can fully understand.....I MUST TRUST and acknowledge him in every experience of my life even the seemingly unpleasant.

PS.This years presidential elections have taxed our human understanding to the limit. We need to ask ourselves wether the peoples choice will be God's choice. When you make your choice in the poll will it be a choice of REVELATION or HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. Pray about it now...acknowledge GOD in this...don't be just led by human reasonings or preference....it will eventually become clear to us all what it is that we have chosen.

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