Tuesday, December 30, 2008

PICTURES... in the mind

My new year rambling dedicated to the New York cousins all of Uncle Albert’s Crew…god bless him…the GRAND CONCOURSE neighborhood and Maxine, Peter and Howard Webb…God loves us all…none more than the other…and Mister Adams in Florida…Let us not forget also to pray for our distant cousin president-elect Barry O and his dear family….that God would also show himself to them.

Thank you ALL very much for a great year – thank GOD. A special mention :- my dearest Aloma Martin…perhaps you may be the one that has allowed me to keep my job – I don’t believe that I am my boss’s favorite employee, I think he may have been about to yell at me again when he stopped short and was riveted by something I had pinned on the wall of my cubicle. It was one of LOMA’s emails…he turned and gruffly said as he walked out “I need a copy of that”…Loma..give a shout out to Patrick and his family…send some pictures….Mrs Soares (coz Pauline) we have prayed very much for you…and Winston….how is Uncle Lincoln and mama…send some pictures too and the twins….where is Donny?…he may be close to ruth and keevs !!

In tenderness He sought me weary and sick in sin
And on His shoulder brought me back to the fold again
I wonder what HE saw in me to suffer such dread agony

O the love that sought me
O the Grace that bought me
Wondrous love that brought me to the fold
Wondrous grace that brought me to the fold.

I found a picture of Howard Daniels eating an apple, his false teeth came out….I don’t tink any of you will remember it…grace maybe….along wit dat was some audio “only one life twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last” I think that was on the Plack that he won….it’s not a very clear picture…it is old. I believe it was on the verandah at 27 Rochester Ave…I may be wrong…. back in the day they used to have these ‘youth gatherings’ at different homes and there was a lot of games and stuff….here’s another picture I think this one was at 12 Sullivan Ave. this was the ‘missionary house’ I think the Mauks were living there at the time..but any how the picture was of a bunch of us kids trying to hit a thing with candy hanging from a rope or something. You may have figured by now that these must be mental PICTURES. Here’s another one this is at Benbow Street…at Christmas..I don’t know what year it was but Auntie Coolie Had come from America wid a barrel….this was a whole lot of fun…and food..

My brother Dale and I are picture junkies….as a matter of fact he bought his wife another camera for Christmas !!…I think they have it worst than me over at their house….I think one day I am going to go over to their house and see my old friend James Lindo wallpapering all the rooms with Auntie Yonny’s 6 milloin picture photo collection.
Maybe it is not just us, grace and me had cameras pretty early on. There is this black and white picture of the plane taking off from palisados – Arlene was on it I believe-going to America!!. We have come a long way….with this digital stuff nowadays….f’r instance here I am sitting at my dining table…I kid you not …there are half used CD and DVD RW’s scattered all over the place, a stack of old hard drives is sitting under the table by my foot, a couple of memory sticks and MP3 players are somewhere….the basement is crawling with old VHS of every style, nowadays when I am not drooling reading about this new fangled blue ray stuff…I am plotting and scheming how to get to New York to plunder cousin Gee’s basement or raid cousin Boyies ranch and pick his brain dry with my handycam. I am not going to even mention my Sister Ruth in Florida who to top it all had to go out and marry a PROFESSIONAL photographer slash-commercial-artist-marketing-advertising-guru ...

…Hi Keevs….sorry I missed your call….I was going thru the basement and found your treasure…on VHS….coming soon to a blogspot near you…

Daleanne has now mastered the fine art of changing all manner of old media (VHS) to digital….I’m telling you man…. you are dealing wid de original DIGILORDS up here in cold Connecticut…dere are tings about to be released dat will make your hed spin.

This is some background for you out here seeing the ‘tip of the iceberg’ with these rambling emails and the FAMILY CHRONICLE BLOG….furthermore…my father was a prolific writer….a thinker really…if he were around in our time I am thoroughly convinced he would have a blog or two at least….I think Uncle Dale has a collection of his JOTTINGS….maybe we will publish them officially….who knows…maybe we already are !!!

I can only IMAGINE….LITTLE JO was singing that song….but here’s the deal….
If there was some kind of cosmic recorder running all the time capturing all the audio from my lips…every single word….WOW !!!

I can only IMAGINE video of ALL my thoughts…..or actions….

I can only IMAGINE….search….the chambers where polluted things hold empire o’er my soul….search me o God my actions try and let my life appear as seen by thine all searching eye to me my ways make clear.

I do believe that based on the technologies we are seeing today all the bible teachings are not at all far fetched or ‘out of the picture’ so-to-speak.

The hard drives sitting at my feet are quite dead at this time. However I got a little gizmo from my friend Ramon. He showed me how to hook-up these old dead hard drives from the old broke down computers in the garage that I have wore out over the years. CAN YOU IMAGINE!!!??? TONS OF STUFF thought to be long dead and forgotten….there it is SUDDENLY all come to life on the new DELL with XP !!….oooops all the old emails……pictures…..video clips……hmmmm!!….quick… delete…save…no…. ooops virus!!?…no wonder that old computer wouldn’t work…this DELL that I am using now with the gizmo…thingy from ramon…this dell has the latest ANTIVIRUS ANTISPYWARE anti-everything….maximum security super protection !!!

This is the same technology that Jesus mentioned in John when he said I am the resurrection and the life….he that beleiveth in me shall never die….fear not them that kill the body but fear rather the one who can destroy bith body and soul in HELL….translation: everything that you have ever done is on a’cosmic’ harddrive somewhere. I don’t want to loose my stuff. I am highly motivated to get to ‘replay’/ re-live my life….that is what eternal life is !!!…he that beleiveth HATH everlasting life.


…and he lifted up his eyes IN HELL being in torment….I don’t fully understand all this stuff but it is certainly becoming clearer to me that when God run’s his heavenly antivirus on me and CLEANS all the mess / virus / Trojans / worms / spyware / evil cookies / SINS etc…that is the stuff the cleansed version that I want to see and for you to see….I cannot therefore afford the luxury of secrecy / privacy whatever….secret sins….who can understand his own errors….says the psalmist david….”cleanse thou me from secret faults, keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins, let them not have dominion over me …then shall I be upright and innocent of the great transgression …let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in THY sight, o Lord…my strength and my redeemer…..AMEN.

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