Sunday, January 25, 2009


My Brother Ronald : Please add Norma and my son Britt DV Gordon onto any prayer lists that this wonderful Blog community is involved with. Britt is battling lupus and is doing OK, although he is presently in the hospital. Pray for his complete healing especially now his kidneys and for normal blood clotting functions. ***** Britt's e-mail address is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Add him to your Blog mailing list as well. Berkie and Norma XXXXXXXXXXX God Bless You and all Yours

Britt, Berkie's son is going through a challenging time and the family solicit your prayers. He should have returned to school two weeks now but he is in the hospital. Please pray for him.
Regards, Allan


I most definately do not beleive in coincidences.....
I met a woman for the first time on friday night last.
I met her at a co-workers house.
I thought I was going by to get a copy of the Obama inauguration removed from my hard drive onto a DVD. I just had not quite figured out how to get a 21 gigabyte file onto a 4.7 G DVD. It turned out that he would not be able to do it and asked me to come by again on saturday. In the wee hours of saturday morning the solution hit me. I got up, went to my PC and had the DVD burned in no time. Six hours on one DVD !!!

Anyhow, you know I just cannot pass up an opportunity to tell a story..... (I am a Garrison Keillor fan too)

This person that I met - about 20 miles from ny home - lives six houses away from my house, yet we had never met!
Her daughter had LUPUS.
It was so bad, she the mother, had to give the daughter one of her Kidneys.
The daughter is now over twenty years old.
This happened over six years ago.....the child is thoroughly cured !
The doctors were amazed !!

I will put the word out to the prayer group.

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