Saturday, January 31, 2009

helping others by prayer

Dear Pastor, Church family and friends;

We bring greeting to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus
Christ.We are all doing fine and continue to labor in the ministry. We
thank you all for your continued prayer and support.

One of the reason for me to write this news letter today is for Kiran
who is 21 years old youth leader form our church.Kirans's parents are
also members of our church for more than 5 years now. Kiran met with an
accident 8 weeks ago. He hit a curb and was thrown off his bike.Kiran's
friend who was riding with him was not hurt in the incident. At first
his wounds did not seem to be serious, but unfortunately there was
severe internal bleeding.As we live in a smaller city with not much
medical help, he had to be rushed to Hyderabad 200 miles away to see a
specialist. We were informed in Hyderabad that his kidney has been
serious damaged but there was a good chance for it yo recover.But on
Monday were told that the kidney has completely failed to recover in the
8 weeks since the incident.
But the unfortunate part of all this is that kiran by birth has been
born with only one kidney.He is going through dialysis ever other day.
His mother has volunteered to donate him with a kidney, but first she
has to be tested and she will be a good match for him. Please pray for
this Young man and his family that the Lord will heal him and give his
family the comfort that they need during this difficult time.

Jeremiah 17:14  Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I
shall be saved: for thou art my praise.


In Christ
Prashant Prakash

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